
SQuirreL is an SQL client that can be used with any JDBC compliant database. It allows you to view database entities and execute SQL commands. More information is available at http://www.squirrelsql.org/. To download and install SQuirreL, follow the instructions at http://www.squirrelsql.org/#installation.

To use SQuirreL with Derby, you will need to configure SQuirreL with the following values:


Where your Derby database is located. For the JDO TCK, it is under tck20/target/database/derby, e.g. c:/myLocalTCKRepos/jdo/trunk/tck20/target/database/derby

database name

Whatever it is. For the TCK, it is jdotckdb.

Driver Name

Your choice, e.g. Derby-embedded for the embedded driver

Example URL

jdbc:derby:<path_to_derby.system.home><dbname> (Use this literal text; you will replace the placeholders when you set up the alias.)

Class Name


Extra Classpath

Location of your derby jar file, e.g. c:/Documents and Settings/gwb/.maven/repository/org.apache.derby/jars/derby-

Alias Name

Your choice, e.g. jdotckdb


The driver example URL with the placeholders replaced, e.g. jdbc:derby:c:/myTCKRepos/jdo/trunk/tck20/target/database/derby/jdotckdb

User Name

For the TCK, this is tckuser.


For the TCK, this is tckuser, the same as the User Name.

To configure SQuirreL, define a Driver:

  1. Select Drivers/New Driver
  2. Select the Extra Class Path tab.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Enter the Extra Classpath in the text box or navigate to your Derby jar file.
  5. Click Open.
  6. Enter the driver name in the Name text box.
  7. Enter the Example URL in its text box.
  8. Enter the Class Name in its text box.
  9. Click OK.

Then define an Alias:

  1. Select Aliases/New Alias.
  2. Enter the Alias name in the Name text box.
  3. Select the driver you defined from the drop-down box.
  4. Enter the URL in its box.
  5. Enter the user name in its box.
  6. Enter the password in its box.
  7. Click Test to test the connection.
  8. Click OK to save the Alias and close the dialog.

Finally, connect by selecting your Alias from the Connect drop-down box on the Alias tool bar. Click Connect from the pop-up dialog.