Web Services PMC Report for December 2007

Notable Happenings

Newly elected committers included Bjorn Townsend, Upul Godage, Sanjaya Karunasen, Selvaratnam Uthaiyashankar.

Subproject News

The following are the specifics for each project that has had significant activity during this quarter. If a project is not mentioned below, there's nothing to report.


We have a list of desired 1.4 features on the wiki.


We are preparing for the 1.2.0 release. The release is expected to happen before the end of December.


Started slowly moving towards a 1.5 release, with new committer Bjorn taking the reins.


Released version 2.0rc5 on Dec 11. Work on UDDI v3 should start soon after we can get a final release for 2.0. The Voting process seems to be hard as there are not many active PMC members it seems.


Marching toward a final 1.0 release. Apart from a few bug fixes not much happened in the last quarter.


Since graduation in January, Synapse has done a 1.0 release, followed by a 1.1 release in November. Committers have presented on Synapse at ApacheCon Europe, the Grails Exchange as well as running a tutorial at ApacheCon Atlanta. Synapse has proposed a resolution to the board proposing a move to become a Top Level Project.


On Dec. 8, 2007, Woden graduated from the Incubator into Web Services. Woden is now focused on migrating the project infrastructure to the Web services project and completing the Milestone 8 release, which is planned for December 28th.


We are preparing for the 0.92 release. It is expected to be happened after the Axis2/C 1.2.0 release.


Getting ready for the Ramaprt/C 1.1 release, which is scheduled to be released after the Axis2/C. Now we are testing our scenarios with latests Axis2/C. You may find new features for this release here. http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/webservices/rampart/trunk/c/NEWS


Apart from the XML-RPC 3.1 release there were no notable happenings.


No notable happenings.