

Breaking Changes

The following changes have been made in Tapestry 5.2 that are likely to result in unexpected behavior if your application relies on the changed functionality. Please review this list carefully before upgrading from 5.1 to 5.2. Also check the Deprecated API List for non-breaking changes.

Previously valid code in

<t:form><t:label for="search"/><t:textfield t:id="search" size="50"/></t:form>

Combined with JavaScript that references the id:

jQuery('#search-label').text('This is the search label');   

New JavaScript code for 5.2:

jQuery('label[for=search]').text('This is the search label');

Release Notes: Tapestry 5.2.6

Release Notes: Tapestry 5.2.5

Release Notes: Tapestry 5.2.4

Release Notes: Tapestry 5.2.3

Release Notes: Tapestry 5.2.2

Release Notes: Tapestry 5.2.1

Release Notes: Tapestry 5.2.0
