You need to be added as a contributor to edit the wiki. But don't worry! Just email any Mailing List or grab us on IRC and let us know your user name.


Any Apache CouchDB committer is free to make a source release, but they are usually made by the release team. 

If you'd like to help out with making a release, lets us know on the couchdb-dev mailing list.

Step 1 of any release process is: every time you go through the release process, update this wiki page to reflect any changes you make! Do this every release, so nothing gets out of date.

Admin Resources

You may want to grab a copy of the admin resources: 

git clone

Any path in this document that references the couchdb-admin directory should be modified to point to this Git clone. Some of these scripts take actions on your behalf, such accessing or checking files into Subversion.  Because of this, you must to read and understand the source code for every script that you use. It would be prudent to examine the recent Git history before you start the release. 

You are responsible for the actions these scripts take. Many have not yet been updated for the 2.x series of releases. At the moment, the release team is not using the admin repo scripts at all.

Getting CouchDB Ready to Release

Preparing the Code

Before starting the release process for CouchDB, the following sanity checks should be made:

Preparing the Docs

Meanwhile, make the following updates to the documentation: 

Preparing the Community

Generate a release proposal from the discussion release template. Edit as appropriate. Send it to the mailing list. 

Preparing to Sign a Release or Release Candidate

You will need a GPG key pair to sign the release. If you do not have one already, see the Useful Resources section for more help from Apache resources. It is generally better if your key is also signed by other people, especially by members of the CouchDB PMC. 

Your public key must be added to:

You should also upload your key to a public key server for good measure.

Make sure your key is registered to gpg:

gpg --list-keys

 You may need to set the GPG_TTY first:

export GPG_TTY=`tty`

If your signing key is not the default, add the --default-key=<hash> option to the gpg signing command(s) below. You can change the default in your gpg.conf file with the default-key directive.

Cutting a Release Candidate

If the proposal meets no objection, you can continue:

Preparing the Candidate

Checking the Candidate

 This wiki has separate instructions on testing a release candidate.

 Assume that you cannot trust:

An attacker may have compromised either. Accordingly, you should subject the release candidate to a number of your own tests. 

Some ideas: 

This part of the process is left to your discretion.

Publishing the Candidate

Once you are satisfied with the release candidate, you must sign it, publish it, and call the vote. 

Publishing the candidate is not the same as voting on it. You should now follow the test procedure and vote on the candidate yourself. 

Preparing the macOS or Windows Binary Packages

Note: As of 3.1.0, we're not doing Apache binary packages for macOS or Windows. Neighbourhoodie have taken over this work.

Everyone is welcome to prepare binary packages for the release. Binary packages are never required for release candidates. All binaries must be prepared from the release artifacts. After voting on the release, you should prepare your binaries from the release artifacts you just voted on. If you can't build these yourself, ask for help on IRC or the mailing list.

Go to and check that your changes are visible. If you are not a committer, please submit your binaries to the list and request a review. If a committer feels comfortable with your submission, they will move your binaries into Subversion. It is the committer's individual responsibility to review your submission and determine that your binaries are suitable for distribution. Once the binaries are available in Subversion, the committer who checked them in should post a note to the list. The community should be invited to download and test the binaries before distribution.

Preparing the Debian/Ubuntu/RHEL/CentOS package repos for testing

If you have shell access to, you can capture the latest auto-built Debian/Ubuntu/RHEL/CentOS package repositories from Jenkins and move it aside to a x.x.x-RC# directory for testing. The repos all live under the /var/www/html path.

Binaries are never voted on. They are provided by individuals for the convenience of the community. 

Wrapping Up the Vote

You need to wait a minimum of 72 hours. A successful vote needs a majority approval and at least three +1 binding votes. A binding vote is a vote cast by a member of the PMC. Releases may not be vetoed, but any -1 votes should be taken seriously. The release manager has the power to abort a vote at any point and for any reason. Please try to make it a good one though! If the vote fails, go back to the Preparing the Candidate section, and increment the candidate number.

When the vote passes, download and customize the release_3_result.txt announcement template from the couchdb-admin repo. Then, send it to the mailing list.

Making the Release

If the release was approved by formal vote, you can proceed to make the release happen.

Publish the code

Tag the candidate with the x.x.x version number:

$ cd couchdb && git checkout x.x.x-RC#
$ git tag -a x.x.x -m "Version x.x.x" --sign
$ git push origin x.x.x

The release tarball can now be renamed:

$ cp apache-couchdb-x.x.x-RC##.tar.gz apache-couchdb-x.x.x.tar.gz
$ cp apache-couchdb-x.x.x-RC##.tar.gz.asc apache-couchdb-x.x.x.tar.gz.asc
$ cp apache-couchdb-x.x.x-RC##.tar.gz.sha256 apache-couchdb-x.x.x.tar.gz.sha256

Push the files to the Apache distribution Subversion tree:

$ svn mkdir --parents \ \
    -m 'Add CouchDB x.x.x dir'
$ svn co
$ cp apache-couchdb-x.x.x.tar.gz* x.x.x/
$ cd x.x.x && svn add . && svn ci -m 'Add CouchDB x.x.x release files'

Archive older releases

While you're at it, clean up the dist/release/couchdb directory:

The process is simple. Run these commands, once for each version and platform combination:

svn rm \ \
-m 'Remove Apache CouchDB $VERSION'
svn rm \ \
-m 'Remove Apache CouchDB $VERSION $PLATFORM binaries'

Do not worry about deleting these files. They will live on in the archives. 

Publishing the Convenience Binaries

macOS and Windows Binaries

Note: As of 3.1.0, we're not doing Apache binary packages for macOS or Windows. Neighbourhoodie have taken over this work.

The macOS and Windows binaries should be uploaded to the official tree, using instructions similar to the above.

However, because it provides better visibility into our downloads (and is linked directly from our website), these should also be uploaded to Bintray. You will need a Bintray account to do this, and have access to granted via INFRA before you can upload.

Debian/Ubuntu and RHEL/CentOS Binaries

Docker images

Scheduling the Release Announcement

Choose a date for the release. Tuesdays mornings PST are better, because they get more press coverage. Your date should take into consideration the 24 hour delay while you wait for the mirrors to update themselves after you have uploaded the release files.

Use the contents of couchdb-admin/email/schedule_release.txt file to schedule the release, and send the email to the mailing list.

While waiting for the actual announcement to occur, the following preparations can take place:

Announcing the Release

You must now wait until all the release files have been synced to the public mirrors. The mirrors can take up to 24 hours to update, so it's usually best to wait a day. You should be sure that both the source download and the binary downloads are all working.  


Promoting the Release


Log in to the CouchDB Twitter account, and send a tweet using this template:

Apache CouchDB VERSION has been released. This is a RELEASE release. Download: Release notes: BLOG_URL

Hacker News

Post a new item to Hacker News.  

Use the following title template: Apache CouchDB VERSION Released

Submit the URL of the blog post you just published. 


Post several new items to Reddit.  

Use the following title template: Apache CouchDB VERSION Released

Submit the URL of the blog post you just published.  

Submit a new item for each of the following subreddits:

If this is an important release, you might want to post it to Follow the same procedure as Hacker News.  


Post a link to the CouchDB page. Try to provide a useful summary of the release.  

Be sure to like the post from your own account.  

Mailing List

Open the couchdb-admin/email/request_promotion.txt template and edit as necessary. Then, send to the following lists:

Useful Resources