Gump3 Presentation

Task Description

Creating a webapplication to show dynamical pages of the data generated by Gump3.



  • Figure out the database (what everything is what I can do with it).
  • Start making a first page to show issues in builds.
  • compleated Use-case 1. Brows by builds.

need to:

  • Organize the view, easy to brows between runs packages moduel etc.
  • take out more use-cases
  • realize use-cases


Since I couldn't manage to learn cocoon to that extent that I needed to compleat my taks I have decided to go with Java+Struts. I find cocoon a chalanging and complicated framwork but from what I can see also a flexible, good and very usefull framework. My intention and hope is that after this project with summer of code I will have some time to convert the webapplication to cocoon and keep on working on it.

Use Cases

  1. Brows By Builds 2. Brows By package

1. Brows By Builds


  1. User selects brows by build. 2. The System presents a list with hosts and workspaces 3. The user selects a workspace 4. The System presents a list with runs from that workspace. 5. The user selects a run. 6. The System presents a list with packages and some information like:
    • dependees (tree of packages depending on this package)
    • direct dependees the packages that is directly depending on this package.
    • state.
      7. The user can select a package for more information about the package for this specifik build containing.
    • package name
    • description
    • state information like: current state, reason for failure or stalled if anny, start time, end time
    • Log information if anny
    • datails like module and classpath
    • Dependencies: packages this package depends on and packages wich depends on this one.
    • History with number of stalled, success, failures, current statet, duration in state, start time of state, previus state, first success, last success.

2. Brows By package


  1. User selects brows by module. 2. The system presents a list with all the packages includeing:
    • description
    • module
      3. The user selects a package.
      4. The system presents a list with all builds for the specifik package with the information:
    • package name
    • workspace
    • build it belongs to.
    • state
    • direct dependant packages
    • direct dependees packages
      5. The user selects a package
      6. the system presents a detaild description of the package se nr 7 in brows by build.

Alternative Workflow

4b. the user selects the build this package belongs to.

  • continue at nr 6 for use-case brows by build.
    4c. the user selects the workspace this package belongs to.
  • continue at nr 4 for use-case brows by builds.
  • No labels