Apache Hadoop Hackathon, May 18, 2011

Hosted at Cloudera's San Francisco and Palo Alto offices.

This page is aliased at: http://bit.ly/hadoop-hack-may18

Useful resources

Quick Start

Checking out Hadoop:

mkdir hadoop-git ; cd hadoop-git

git clone https://github.com/apache/hadoop-common.git
git clone https://github.com/apache/hadoop-hdfs.git
git clone https://github.com/apache/hadoop-mapreduce.git

(or if we fix ssh: #git clone git://git.apache.org/hadoop-common.git
#git clone git://git.apache.org/hadoop-mapreduce.git
#git clone git://git.apache.org/hadoop-hdfs.git


mkdir hadoop-svn ; cd hadoop-svn
svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/common/trunk
svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/mapreduce/trunk
svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/hdfs/trunk
(for trunk -- for branches, use /repos/asf/hadoop/common/branches/branch-0.22 )

Running tests

ant test-core -Dtest.output=yes -Dtestcase=TestEditLog

test.output will print output to console, useful for hanging tests

Eclipse: see EclipseEnvironment

Submitting a patch

Open a jira
Make change
Run tests
git diff --no-prefix > /tmp/HADOOP-1234.txt

Review queues

Suggestions for what to work on

Infrastructure improvements

Make it easier for others to contribute

  • Improve documentation at HowToContribute, EclipseEnvironment
  • Write instructions for other IDEs
  • What's the most confusing thing you found about the contribution process? How can we improve it?

Help get 0.22 out the door

Try to use the release (or build from trunk)

  • Work on the documentation
    • Try out the current documentation
    • File jiras and submit fixes for bugs and improvements.
    • Eg config options that should be in the docs but are not..
    • Or have been deprecated and should be removed or updated.
    • Write new documentation that's needed (eg on FS config)
  • Setup a small cluster on your laptop or in VMs or using Apache Whirr and bang on it.

Help get trunk in shape

  • No labels