Building/Testing Hadoop under Eclipse / Windows

Hadoop builds with Ant, but you can set it up to work under Eclipse for testing and some iterative development. This does not take away the need to run Ant, but you can just run it from inside Eclipse


  • Be on Java6. That's where Hadoop is going.
  • If you are on Windows, download and install Cygwin, making sure to install the sed, subversion, and openssh packages.
    • Also, you'll need to add ${cygwin}/bin to the PATH environment variable
  • Setup the ANT_HOME variable for Eclipse.
    • From Eclipse, go to the main preferences dialog (on Windows, by selecting Window | Preferences)
    • Select Java | Build Path | Classpath Variables.
    • On that page, select New to set the ANT_HOME variable.
    • If you didn't explicitly install Ant, you can use the Ant plugin that comes with Eclipse (e.g. ${eclipse}/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145)

After that, you can follow the standard instructions on getting your Eclipse set up.

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