Board report July - September 2007


Throughout the reporting period Harmony has had active development
across all aspects of the project. There are no issues requiring the
Board's attention.


The project produced another successful Milestone build at the end
of June 2007.  The entire development team collaborated in producing
a stable, well-tested, snapshot build that we called Apache
Harmony 5.0 M2.

Since then there has been the steady and continuous work of bug fixing
and enhancements across all aspects of the codebase.  Of particular
note is the effort from a variety of contributors on:

 * bytecode verifier : integrating and testing the new Java
       bytecode verifier code contribution
 * creating download bundles : tested combinations of Harmony
       5.0 M2 with Eclipse 3.3 & Tomcat 6.0.13
 * code coverage : enhancing tests to increase code coverage
 * build-test infrastructure : testing snapshots with more
       applications and scenarios
 * performance : new JIT and GC algorithms for improved code
 * debian packaging : produced some deb packages of Harmony builds
 * vm thread redesign : rationalisation of the VM threading model
 * vm class unloading : new class unloading feature in the VM
 * pack200 : picked-up implementation of complex JSR200 spec
 * AWT&Swing : focused attention on stability and robustness
 * bootvm : additional work on alternate VM implementation
 * java 6 class library : patchy, but steady progression towards
       Java 6 APIs

The dev list have been discussing the current practice of producing
milestone builds every two months in addition to our nightly snapshots.
Some would prefer a milestone every three months to enable more
sophisticated work completion, and this topic is still under discussion.
We continue to look to the Board for a successful resolution to the
JCK license impasse.


There was a concern raised about the security of our File.createTempFile
code, and after a short discussion on the dev list our implementation
was changed to the satisfaction of all involved.

There were no other reported security issues.


The community continues to operate in a very healthy manner. Several
developers have published material about Apache Harmony (linked from
the project website), or spoken about the project at developer
conferences.  We are collaborating with other projects, both at the
ASF and beyond, including evaluating opportunities to reuse their code
in Harmony.

There have been no new committers or PMC members this period. Upon
receiving Geir's resignation the PMC voted to recommend Tim Ellison as
the new Chair, and Tim was subsequently appointed as such by the Board
in July.  There are currently 27 committers, ~22 of whom were active
this period.

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