Board report October - December 2008

The Apache Harmony community is healthy and continues to release increasingly
capable builds on a regular schedule.  The lack of a JCK continues to be an
issue for Harmony.

Development & Releases
Harmony now has over 99% of the required Java SE 5 APIs completed.  The
missing pieces of functionality are primarily providers for different
protocols, such as sound file formats, kerberos authentication, and so on.
It goes without saying that we are ready to run the JCK and claim compliance
to the Java specification.

Milestone build 5.0M8 was declared on November 17, 2008.  This milestone
includes a number of fixes and enhancements including 51 JIRA issues resolved
and approximately 240 commits.  Our last milestone was published three months
earlier in August.

Beyond the day to day business of fixing bugs, there is a steady stream of
improvements to performance, both throughput and start-up times; and
enhancements to the usability and maintainability of the code.

No reported security incidents this period.

The community continues to operate in a healthy manner.  We continue to
interact with other projects, both within the ASF and hosted elsewhere.
Of note this period is the ja.NET project who are using Apache Harmony in
conjunction with Mono to run Java programs on .NET.

There were no changes to committers or PMC membership during this period.
There are currently 38 committers, ~10 of whom were active this period.
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