Plugging into Struts

HiveMind does offer a servlet filter for initializing the registry but if your servlet engine does not support filters or you want to control the registry from Struts then a plugin is the way to go. This is not an example of how to configure HiveMind but how to configure a plugin to use HiveMind. It's a quick and easy way to get HiveMind into your Struts application.

The Interface (

public interface StrutsHive
    public static final String STRUTSHIVE_REGISTRY = "org.apache.struts.hivemind.STRUTSHIVE_REGISTRY";

    Object lookup( String name, Class type );
    Object lookup( Class type );

    List getConfiguration( String configuration );
    void cleanupThread();

The PlugIn (

public class StrutsHivePlugIn implements StrutsHive, PlugIn
    private static final Log _log = LogFactory.getLog( StrutsHivePlugIn.class );

    private Registry _registry;
    private String _errorHandler;
    private String _classResolver;

    private String _language;
    private String _country = "";
    private String _variant = "";

    public void setLanguage(String language)
        this._language = language;

    public void setCountry(String country)
        this._country = country;

    public void setVariant(String variant)
        this._variant = variant;

    public void setErrorHandler( String errorHandler )
        _errorHandler = errorHandler;

    public void setClassResolver( String classResolver )
        _classResolver = classResolver;

    public void init(ActionServlet actionServlet, ModuleConfig moduleConfig) throws ServletException
        ClassResolver resolver;
        RegistryBuilder builder;

        if( _log.isDebugEnabled() )
            _log.debug("Initializing StrutsHivePlugIn.");

        if( _classResolver == null )
            if( _log.isDebugEnabled() )
                _log.debug( "No class resolver was defined using HiveMinds default class resolver." );

            resolver = new DefaultClassResolver();
                resolver = (ClassResolver) initializeClass( _classResolver );
            catch( Exception e )
                throw new ServletException( e.getMessage() );

        if( _errorHandler == null  )
            builder = new RegistryBuilder();
                ErrorHandler errorHandler = (ErrorHandler) initializeClass( _errorHandler );
                builder = new RegistryBuilder( errorHandler );
            catch( Exception e )
                throw new ServletException( e.getMessage() );

        builder.processModules( resolver );
        _registry = builder.constructRegistry( getLocale() );
        actionServlet.getServletContext().setAttribute( STRUTSHIVE_REGISTRY, this );

        if( _log.isDebugEnabled() )
            _log.debug("StrutsHivePlugIn initialized.");

    public Object lookup( String name, Class type )
        if( _registry.containsService( name, type ) )
            return _registry.getService( name, type );

        throw new IllegalArgumentException( type.getName() + " service was not found in the registry");

    public Object lookup( Class type )
        if( _registry.containsService( type ) )
            return _registry.getService( type );

        throw new IllegalArgumentException( type.getName() + " service was not found in the registry");

    public List getConfiguration( String configuration )
        if( _registry.containsConfiguration( configuration ) )
            return _registry.getConfiguration( configuration );

        throw new IllegalArgumentException( configuration + " configuration was not found in the registry");

    public void cleanupThread()

    public void destroy()
        if( _log.isDebugEnabled() )
            _log.debug("Shutting down StrutsHivePlugIn");


    protected Locale getLocale()
        if( _language != null )
            return new Locale( _language, _country, _variant );
            return Locale.getDefault();

    protected Object initializeClass( String type ) throws Exception
        Thread thread = Thread.currentThread();
        ClassLoader loader = thread.getContextClassLoader();
        Class clazz =  loader.loadClass( type );
        return clazz.newInstance();

Configuration (struts-config.xml)

The plugin has multiple set-properties but all are optional






define a locale different from the default



used in conjunction with the language property but not mandatory



used in conjunction with the country property but not mandatory



include your own HiveMind error handler



include your own HiveMind class resolver

    <plug-in className="<your package name goes here>.StrutsHivePlugIn">
        <set-property property="language" value="en"/>

Using it in your application

public MyAction extends Action

    public Object getService( String service, Class type )
        StrutsHive hive = (StrutsHive) getServlet().getServletContext().getAttribute( StrutsHive.STRUTSHIVE_REGISTRY );
        return hive.lookup( service, type );



Not much to talk about here but if you want to use it, go nuts! If you have improvements let me know or add to the Wiki.

Contributed by KurtHoehn

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