


This is the Apache Wiki for the Apache Incubator and is maintained by the community. To edit pages, visit UserPreferences at the top-right of any page to create a user profile or to login. Notifications of all changes you make will be sent to the cvs@incubator mailing list, so we will be aware of your changes and we will happily correct any small mistakes that you might make.

This page contains monthly reports to the ASF Board of Directors from incubator projects that have to report this month. You can also see the overall quarter report for 1st Quarter 2006.


The STATUS file for the project is up to date. The code is clean and using only Apache-compliant libraries, it has the correct copyright notices and is in the org.apache.activemq namespace. We've got all the software grants sorted and all developers have their CLAs on file and accounts created. The project's active mailing lists are proof of the vibrant community behind ActiveMQ. Nathan Mittler was voted in as committer due to his excellent work on the C++ client for ActiveMQ.

The Java code base has has being going through QA and stabilization for the past few months and several release candidates for 4.0 have been cut. The 4.0 final release is currently under Vote and we expect to have a final release very shortly. Development is starting to gear up now for the 4.1 release and we are excited to find out where the community and committers drive the development of the next 4.1 release.

The website home page has now been sorted out and is being checked into svn. The static HTML is being generated from a Confluence wiki and content is very easy to update now. See: http://incubator.apache.org/activemq/

ADF Faces

Mailing lists, subversion repository, and JIRA setup was completed, along with accounts for two new committers to the podling. Initial code drop committed to repository, starting to work through package name adjustments and code review.


Initial committer accounts were created and the Jira migration was completed. Migration of SourceForge CVS to Apache SVN was completed. New modules developed since the Incubator proposal was submitted (namely JPA module) are switched to the new package naming: org.apache.cayenne. The core modules still use org.objectstyle.cayenne naming.


Working on project documentation and logistics for using toolkit hosted at Apache.


Not much going on this month, after a fairly active month in April. Not issues that need the Incubator PMC or Board attention at this time. Hoping to get more done in the next month or two...


Lucene.Net is progressing well. Recently MSDN style documentation was added, the website was ironed out a bit and we are on track to release Lucene.Net 1.9 by end of May. Also, the mailing list at ASF is now starting to see some traffic. We are still awaiting the finalization to add our second committer, to the project which we expect to be completed this month.


Accounts have been created for almost everybody in the first round of committers. Active discussion is underway about various subjects such as the engine core structure or the deployment model. An IRC chat is scheduled to kick-start these issues. A couple of modules (parser and bom) have also been voted to be imported in Ode's trunk.


  • The main issue at the moment continues to be the gathering of iCLAs. We're making progress:
    • Total number of contributors contacted: 104
    • Number of contributors with iCLA already filed at ASF: 41
    • Number of contributors that have already sent their iCLA, but still not filed at ASF: 18
    • Number of contributors who have not yet sent their iCLA: 45
    • We will begin discussing alternative strategies, such as clean-room re-implementations, for code whose contributors have not sent in their CLAs yet.
  • We've made some significant progress in replacing LGPL jars, mainly JOTM, the default transaction manager of OFBiz. We've integrated the Geronimo/Jencks transaction manager (TM) into OFBiz, and early testing shows it's working fine. We continue testing and gathering feedback, and anticipate that we will be able to remove the JOTM jars soon. At the same time, we will be able to remove some other, less critical, LGPLed jars. Once that's done, we plan to move the OFBiz codebase to the Incubator SVN server
  • A new committer has been added to the project (Jacques Le Roux): he is a longtime contributor and is doing some interesting implementation for the POS (Point of Sale) component, so the core group of initial committers has (succesfully) voted to grant him commit rights to the POS component.


The STATUS file for the project is up to date. The code is clean and using only Apache-compliant libraries, it has the correct copyright notices and is in the org.apache.servicemix namespace. We've got all the software grants sorted and all developers have their CLAs on file and accounts created. The project has very active mailing lists.

The code base is going through a stabilization phase. The community is actively working on cutting Servicemix 3.0 M1 release candidates. Hopefully once of those release candidates will make it to a votes and pass soon.

The website home page has now been sorted out and is being checked into svn. The static HTML is being generated from a Confluence wiki and content is very easy to update now. See: http://incubator.apache.org/servicemix/


Stdcxx status report for the calendar quarter ending in 4/2006:

This is the third quarterly report for stdcxx.

Since the last report the stdcxx community has added a new committer, Anton Pevtsov, and with his help successfully completed the release of version 4.1.3 of the project.

Since the relase the team has made significant progress migrating the Rogue Wave C++ Standard Library test harness and test suite to the Apache stdcxx test driver. The stdcxx community also continues to increase the visibility of the project with the goal of further raising the number as well as diversity of its users, contributors, and committers.

The plan for the next three months is to continue to work on migrating the test suite and, in parallel, to enhance the support for the C++
Standard Library extensions described in the Technical Report on C++
Library Extensions and recently voted into the working paper of the (next) C++ Standard expected to be released by 2009.

Martin Sebor


After the M1 release in December, Synapse had a slow start to the year. However, recently the project has restarted in full vigor with some key design improvements to make things cleaner and easier to develop. The focus on the XML config model has been reduced with the Synapse system being run on an object model config which can be filled using the XML config language or directly (or from a database or whatever). We're now working towards an M2 release ASAP to get wider feedback on the core design and architecture and if that goes well another release by ApacheCon to get closer to the desired function for the system.

Community development is also making slow but steady progress. The diversity has improved and we've recently added a new committer as well. If all goes well and if the community development continues, Synapse should be ready for graduation soon - probably before ApacheCon.



On the Java side, Community and code development are continuing. We have added two new committers (Ant Elder and Daniel Kulp) since the last report and have many other people active on the mailing lists. We have been working toward a Java release which is intended to allow others to easily contribute plugins and other functionality in order to further expand the community. A vote on a candidate started on the development list (as of 5/18/06) and if passed we will be asking the Incubator PMC for permission to release it.

After a slower start development is now also ramping up on the C++ codebase but additional effort will be needed to attract new community members.

WebWork 2

We resolved the remaining IP issues that included LGPL Javascript dependencies, invalid copyrights (MyCorp, Inc), and code grants for valid copyrights. The Struts PMC then successfully voted to accept the WebWork 2 podling and the Incubator PMC vote passed as well. The infrastructure and website-related graduation tasks have been completed and we are now fully graduated.


Woden project members are actively engaged with the W3C Web Service Description Working Group to define interoperability testing. Woden has now implemented the WSDL Component Model Interchange Format which is being used to compare parser implementations. A W3C interop event is being planned for July 5-7 at the IBM Toronto Lab. Woden project members will participate in this event. The goal of this event is to advance the WSDL 2.0 specification beyond the Candidate Recommendation stage.



Project just started incubation. CLAs are on file for the initial committers. A CCLA has been received for the initial contributions of Java ORB implementation and the code has been imported into SVN repository. Mailing lists, subversion repository, and JIRA setup was completed. Activity is starting on the development mailing list.

Currently dev team started to discuss what would be a good first milestone release and its definition.

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