September 2006 Board Report


Chair to summarize Jakarta-wide news + the current state of affairs.

Jakarta Wide

ApacheCon US 2006

I scheduled a BOF Session for the Jakarta Community with a focus on how the future of Jakarta will look like. I will try to summarize in a presentation on what the feelings are, what possible other scenario's could be persued. After that I will do a quick outline of current projects at Jakarta (not technical), with my view on activity, problems and future of those subprojects (the view is also based on mailinglist discussions). The main goal for the BOF is to brainstorm about /spark a discussion on how we could approach the future of Jakarta.


  • 11 September 2006 - Commons JEXL 1.1 Released
  • 4 August 2006 - Commons Attributes 2.2 Released
  • 1 August 2006 - Commons SCXML 0.5 Released
  • 31 July 2006 - Commons Modeler 2.0 Released
  • 27 June 2006 - Commons HttpClient 3.1 Alpha 1 Released

Community changes

New committers, pmc persons, asf members and departures.

  • New chair: Martin (wink)
  • New PMC Members :
    • 10 September 2006 - Rory Winston
    • 21 August 2006 - Joerg Schaible
    • 13 August 2006 - Dennis Lundberg
  • New committers:
    • 4 July 2006 - Thomas Vandahl

Infrastructure news

Changes to the projects infrastructure. Migrations to Subversion, new vmware instances etc.

Subproject news

News related to various subprojects, if they have news. Volunteers for subproject news are desired, otherwise the Chair is responsible for finding out said news (and should mark that they had to do so).


BCEL was part of the GSoC program. The student went half way through and now BCEL trunk has support for JDK 1.5. Unfortunately the student did not pass the finals.

Commons Attributes

Leo Sutic, the main active coder for Attributes, decided to call it a day and so a stable release (2.3) of the current code was made so as not to leave lots of people sitting on a nightly build. Newer versions of Java make Attributes obsolete and the component is now considered to be in maintenance mode.

Commons HttpClient

Commons JEXL

Commons JCI

Jakarta Commons JCI was part of the GSoC program. Maven integration and support for more compilers was on the cards. Unfortunately the student did not pass the finals.

Commons Modeler

Commons SCXML


In early June we released Alpha2 of HttpCore.

HttpNIO has been made a sub-component of HttpCore as they will share the same release cycle. The overall design of !HttpNIO is finished and currently undergoing review. Parts of the HttpCore API are also subject to intensive review as a result of the NIO activities.

HttpCookie has been redesigned in a first step.


The Velocity project is making plans to become a TLP. See TLPVelocity for the initial draft of the proposal. On September 14th, we released beta1 of Velocity 1.5. We hope to release RC1 after a mini-Velocity hackathon October 9 and 10.

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