Welcome to the Jetspeed 2 Wiki

What's New

What's new in Jetspeed-2 (J2)?

Everything (smile) Jetspeed-2 is a complete rewrite of Jetspeed-1. It is the next-generation enterprise portal at Apache Portals. It's hard to pick out the coolest new feature. Some may think that the component architecture and Spring integration, others like CMS-based navigation model, and others like the standardization of portlet development. Personally, what is cool to me is the new community at Apache Portals, and how Jetspeed-2 fits into that community as the enterprise portal.

The complete answer of what is new in Jetspeed-2 is:

  • Fully compliant with the Java Portlet API standard
  • Separation of portlet applications from portal
  • Live deployment model for portlet applications and portal layouts
  • Component-based architecture based on Spring
  • Multi-threaded portlet aggregation engine
  • Scalable cluster architecture
  • Pipeline-based request processing
  • JAAS security components
  • Apache Portal bridges
    o Jakarta Struts
    o Java Server Faces
    o PHP, Perl integration
    o Jakarta Velocity
  • CMS-based site navigation
  • SSO component
  • Web content component
  • Web services component

Jetspeed-2 is a part of an open enterprise development platform based on components and standards. You have an excellent deployment model and component integration framework that will enable people to write standard portlet applications and supporting components, and deploy them live to the portal.

Apache Portals provides a powerful integration platform for all kinds of enterprise software development. With Portals Bridges, you can now develop portlet applications with JSF, Struts, PHP, or Velocity. When the Portals applications project is accepted into Apache, we will have a community for developing vertical portlet applications that are not coupled to any portal server.


  • /Features

Jetspeed-2 Specifications


  • JSR 168 Support
  • Component Architecture (Spring)
  • J2EE Security, Portal Security Policy
  • Page and Portal Security Constraints (Bronco)
  • PSML/Folder CMS Navigations, Menus, Links
  • Jetspeed Single Sign On (SSO)
  • Multithreaded Aggregation Engine
  • Full Localization Support
  • Pipeline Request Processor
  • Rules-based Profiler
  • Basic Page Customization
  • Auto Deployment of Portlet Applications
  • Auto Deployment of Layouts and Decorators
  • Advanced Password Features
  • Navigational State Component
  • Integration with Pluto Portlet Container
  • Tigris CSS
  • Client Independent Capability Engine (HTML, XHTML, WML, VML....)

  • Portals Bridges
    o Struts
    o MyFaces
    o Velocity
    o Perl
    o PHP
    o Bridges Framework

  • Administration Portlets
    o Portlet Application Manager
    o Profiler Administration
    o Role Manager
    o Portal Site Manager
    o User Manager
    o SSO

  • Sample Portlets
    o XSLT RSS
    o Rome RSS
    o WebContent
    o IFrame
    o Calendar
    o Bookmark
    o Tree Navigator
    o Games
    o iBatis Petstore
    o Database Portlets

  • Content Management Support
  • Multiple Languages
  • Multiple Search Methods

    Tested Application Servers
    o Tomcat 5.0.x and 5.5.x
    o JBoss
    o WebLogic
    o WebSphere


  • * 05/09/2009* Apache Jetspeed 2 Documentation Project restarted.

Old News

Ongoing Jetspeed 2 Platform Development


  • /RoadMap (2.2)

Proposals In Active Discussion

  • Better Documentation
  • /ContentManagementSystem (CMS, planned for 2.2.1)

Apache Jetspeed 2 Documentation Project

The target of the Apache Jetspeed 2 Documentation Project is to provide uptodate professional documentation for portal developers, portlet developers, system administrators and end-users.


Documentation Team


Ron Wheeler (Use cases, General Documentation Coordination, Language Quality) since 2009.

=== Originals===

Marky Goldstein (General Documentation Coordination)

Benjamin Bratkus (General Documentation)

David Le Strat (Jetspeed 2 Website, Security Documentation)

Raphaël Luta

Robert Young (External Dependencies)

Philipp Mark Donaghy (Quick start for the impatient)

Ron Wheeler (Use cases, General Documentation Coordination, Language Quality) since 2009.

Spend a few minutes a day documenting... please sign in.

Documentation Process

  1. Jetspeed-2 Wiki (Incubation) 2. Jetspeed 2 Website 3. Code produced documentation (Javadoc, Forrest, etc.)

Quickstart for the Impatient

  • /QuickstartForTheImpatient

Portal Developers Documentation

This is designed to support the development of a new custom portal. It includes includes overall system architecture and all of the features that are configured at the portal level.

Portlet Developers Documentation

This is documentation that an analyst or a programmer requires to develop a portlet that will run in a Jetspeed portal environment.

  • /PortalDevelopersDocumentation

System Administrators Documentation

This is the information that a system administrator needs to know to install Jetspeed and get it ready to receive a portal developed by a third party or by an in-house development team. It deals with system requirements, installation and upgrade, backup, configuring the servlet container and tuning.

  • /AdminDocumentation

End-users Documentation

Since the end-user does not usually come into contact with Jetspeed, this is documentation is oriented to the administrative user and is about using the administration portlets that come with Jetspeed. This is also good reading for the other types of consumers mentioned above.

  • /EndUserDocumentation


Problems Getting Started

Old Problems Getting Started


Developers FAQ

Admins FAQ

  • /adminsfaq

Offically Supported Application Servers


Development Using the Jetspeed 2 Engine

  • /PluggableEngineComponents

Development Presentations


A JSR168-compliant implementation of inter-portlet communication




MyFaces and Tiles

Jetspeed 2 on the net

The following portals are built using the Jetspeed 2 engine:
(please list here)

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