8 April 2016, Apache Solr 6.0.0 available

Solr is the popular, blazing fast, open source NoSQL search platform from the Apache Lucene project. Its major features include powerful full-text search, hit highlighting, faceted search, dynamic clustering, database integration, rich document (e.g., Word, PDF) handling, and geospatial search. Solr is highly scalable, providing fault tolerant distributed search and indexing, and powers the search and navigation features of many of the world's largest internet sites.

Solr 6.0.0 is available for immediate download at:

Please read CHANGES.txt for a full list of new features and changes:

Solr 6.0 Release Highlights:

  • Improved defaults for "Similarity" used in Solr, in order to provide better default experience for new users.
  • Improved "Similarity" defaults for users upgrading: DefaultSimilarityFactory has been removed, implicit default Similarity has been changed to SchemaSimilarityFactory, and SchemaSimilarityFactory has been modified to use BM25Similarity as the default for field types that do not explicitly declare a Similarity.
  • Deprecated GET methods for schema are now accessible through the bulk API. The output has less details and is not backward compatible.
  • Users should set useDocValuesAsStored="false" to preserve sort order on multi-valued fields that have both stored="true" and docValues="true".
  • Formatted date-times are more consistent with ISO-8601. BC dates are now better supported since they are now formatted with a leading '-'. AD years after 9999 have a leading '+'. Parse exceptions have been improved.
  • Deprecated SolrServer and subclasses have been removed, use SolrClient instead.
  • The deprecated <nrtMode> configuration in solrconfig.xml has been removed. Users must remove it from solrconfig.xml.
  • SolrClient.shutdown() has been removed, use SolrClient.close() instead.
  • The deprecated zkCredientialsProvider element in solrcloud section of solr.xml is now removed. Use the correct spelling (zkCredentialsProvider) instead.
  • Added support for executing Parallel SQL queries across SolrCloud collections. Includes StreamExpression support and a new JDBC Driver for the SQL Interface.
  • New features and capabilities added to the streaming API.
  • Added support for SELECT DISTINCT queries to the SQL interface.
  • New GraphQuery to enable graph traversal as a query operator.
  • New support for Cross Data Center Replication consisting of active/passive replication for separate SolrClouds hosted in separate data centers.
  • Filter support added to Real-time get.
  • Column alias support added to the Parallel SQL Interface.
  • New command added to switch between non/secure mode in zookeeper.
  • Now possible to use IP fragments in replica placement rules.

Further details of changes are available in the change log available at: http://lucene.apache.org/solr/6_0_0/changes/Changes.html

Please report any feedback to the mailing lists (http://lucene.apache.org/solr/discussion.html)

Note: The Apache Software Foundation uses an extensive mirroring network for distributing releases. It is possible that the mirror you are using may not have replicated the release yet. If that is the case, please try another mirror. This also applies to Maven access.

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