Using SQL

spamd can use SQL user_prefs by calling it with the -q or -Q flags. the following configuration options will be required in to point to the correct database.

These configuration options below are specific to SA 3.0. 2.63 does not use user_scores_sql_custom_query but does have other items to reference table names and such.

[root@mailgw /]# cd /etc/mail/spamassassin/

[root@mailgw spamassassin]# cat
user_scores_dsn                  DBI:mysql:logs:localhost:3306
user_scores_sql_password         password
user_scores_sql_username         username
user_scores_sql_custom_query     SELECT preference, value FROM _TABLE_ WHERE username = _USERNAME_ OR 
                                 username = '$GLOBAL' OR username = CONCAT('%',_DOMAIN_) ORDER BY username ASC

Make sure your user_scores_sql_custom_query is ALL ON ONE LINE! I wrapped it for display purposes only.

See sql/README in your SpamAssassin tarball for more information on SQL configuration options.

SQL Table Structure for User Prefs

Personally, I use the following table structure for my user prefs... This allows my web interface to add additional information to the items via the descript field, and also has added, added_by, and modified fields.

CREATE TABLE `userpref` (
  `id` int(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `username` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
  `preference` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
  `value` varchar(128) default NULL,
  `descript` varchar(128) default NULL,
  `added` datetime NOT NULL default '2003-01-01 00:00:00',
  `added_by` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
  `modified` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
  UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`),
  KEY `type` (`preference`),
  KEY `added_by` (`added_by`),
  KEY `preference` (`preference`),
  KEY `username` (`username`)
) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='Spamassassin Preferences';

The userpref table as recommended by sql/userpref_mysql.sql in your SA tarball is..

CREATE TABLE userpref (
  username varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  preference varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
  value varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  prefid int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  PRIMARY KEY  (prefid),
  KEY username (username)

Not alot of difference... use whatever you want. If you are planning on having 1000's of user prefs via SQL, i would scale it back and not have all the extra fields.

To get this table active in your mysql database, save the syntax above to a file named userpref.sql and run

# cat userpref.sql | mysql <DB>

where <DB> is the database you want to store this table. If you have not already created it, you will want to run something like..

# mysql
> CREATE DATABASE spamassassin;
> exit;

and then

# cat userpref.sql | mysql spamassassin

Once you have the table active, you need to assign access to it. All SpamAssassin needs is SELECT access to the userpref table. Running

# mysql spamassassin
> GRANT SELECT ON spamassassin.userpref TO username IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
> exit;

will allow connections from spamd to connect to the database as user username and a password of password... please change those to something SANE!

Global, Per-Domain, and Per-User Preferences via SQL

SpamAssassin 3.0 supports the config option user_scores_sql_custom_query - Using this feature, one can accomplish any number of custom configuration for supporting tiered user preferences.

However, for proper sorting of userpref when using Per-Domain settings, one must be careful on how SQL sorts the results. To make this work properly, you may be required to change how you reference your GLOBAL and PER-DOMAIN config preferences. To acheive proper sorting of SQL prefs, I use the following custom_query:

user_scores_sql_custom_query     SELECT preference, value FROM _TABLE_ WHERE username = _USERNAME_ OR 
                                 username = '$GLOBAL' OR username = CONCAT('%',_DOMAIN_) ORDER BY username ASC

Please avoid line wrapping on user_scores_sql_custom_query.. copying and pasting the above line into a .cf will not work.

The reason I do it this way, as opposed to the standard vpopmail way (@GLOBAL), is so the preferences in my user_pref database order correctly...

Note that if you are customizing your query, i.e. not using the suggested query, it should not return the roll 'username' or you'll receive an error like 'info: config: failed to parse line, skipping, in "(no file)": username@domain config_tag'. The query must return preference and value sorted accordingly.

Here is what the query produces...

mysql> select username,preference,value from userpref WHERE
(username='$GLOBAL' OR username='' OR
username='') ORDER by username ASC;
| username         | preference              | value                  |
| $GLOBAL          | required_hits           | 4.00                   |
| $GLOBAL          | subject_tag             | [SPAM-_HITS_]-         |
| $GLOBAL          | score USER_IN_WHITELIST | -10                    |
| $GLOBAL          | whitelist_from          | *        |
| $GLOBAL          | score USER_IN_BLACKLIST | 10                     |
| $GLOBAL          | report_safe             | 0                      |
| $GLOBAL          | use_razor2              | 1                      |
| $GLOBAL          | use_pyzor               | 1                      |
| $GLOBAL          | use_dcc                 | 1                      |
| $GLOBAL          | skip_rbl_checks         | 1                      |
| $GLOBAL          | use_bayes               | 1                      |
| $GLOBAL          | ok_locales              | en                     |
| $GLOBAL          | ok_languages            | en                     |
| $GLOBAL          | whitelist_from          | *              |
| $GLOBAL          | use_auto_whitelist      | 1                      |
| $GLOBAL          | rewrite_header Subject  | [SPAM-_HITS_]-         |
|        | use_bayes               | 1                      |
|        | whitelist_from          | *               |
|        | score USER_IN_WHITELIST | -10                    |
|        | score USER_IN_BLACKLIST | 10                     |
|        | ok_locales              | en                     |
|        | ok_languages            | en                     |
|        | use_razor2              | 1                      |
|        | use_pyzor               | 1                      |
|        | use_dcc                 | 1                      |
|        | skip_rbl_checks         | 1                      |
|        | report_safe             | 0                      |
|        | required_hits           | 5                      |
| | use_razor2              | 1                      |
| | use_bayes               | 1                      |
| | use_pyzor               | 1                      |
| | use_dcc                 | 1                      |
| | skip_rbl_checks         | 0                      |
| | whitelist_from          | *           |
| | ok_languages            | en                     |
| | ok_locales              | en                     |
| | score USER_IN_WHITELIST | -10                    |
| | score USER_IN_BLACKLIST | 10                     |
| | required_hits           | 4.10                   |
| | report_safe             | 0                      |
| | use_auto_whitelist      | 1                      |
| | rewrite_header Subject  | [SPAM-_HITS_]-         |

Doing it this way guarantees proper sorting of prefs, so the last required_hits found would be that of the user if defined, or that of the domain if defined... And if neither exist, it will assume global required_hits.

Obviously, you'd need to rewrite a couple lines in your web administration packages that allows users to modify their SQL prefs with proper GLOBALS ($GLOBAL) and DOMAIN ( references...

Testing your Setup

# mysql spamassassin;
> INSERT INTO userpref (username,preference,value) VALUES ('$GLOBAL','required_hits','5.0');
> INSERT INTO userpref (username,preference,value) VALUES ('','required_hits','4.5');
> INSERT INTO userpref (username,preference,value) VALUES ('','required_hits','4.0');
> exit;

make sure spamd is running with the -q flag and that your SQL preferences are correct in your

To debug it, make sure spamd is not running, and from the command line, start spamd in foreground (no -d flag) mode with full debugging enabled (-D), and watch for the SQL debug info...

# spamd -D -q

From another console, run

# echo -e "From: user\nTo:user\Subject: Test\n\n" | spamc -u '$GLOBAL'
From: user
Subject: Test
X-Spam-Status: No, hits=1.3 required=5.0

and you should see required hits is set to 5.0

# echo -e "From: user\nTo:user\Subject: Test\n\n" | spamc -u ''
From: user
Subject: Test
X-Spam-Status: No, hits=1.3 required=4.5

should display required hits of 4.5

# echo -e "From: user\nTo:user\Subject: Test\n\n" | spamc -u ''
From: user
Subject: Test
X-Spam-Status: No, hits=1.3 required=4.0

should display required hits of 4.0

As you can see, the 'required' hits changed on each of them because it pulled the SQL preferences. How you get spamc to call -u with the proper information is up to you. In qmail-scanner, I do the following.. in the sub spamassassin function before it opens up the spamc call -

    if ($recips =~ m/\,/) {
      $sa_domain = &recips_in_same_domain($recips);
      if (defined $sa_domain && $sa_domain ne "") {
        $sa_user = "\%" . $sa_domain;
      else {
        $sa_user = "\$GLOBAL";
    else {
       $sa_user = $recips;

  open(SA,"$spamc_binary $spamc_options -u \"$sa_user\"  < $scandir/$wmaildir/new/$file_id|")
       ||&tempfail("cannot run $spamc_binary  < $scandir/$wmaildir/new/$file_id - $!");

my recips_in_same_domain function looks like this... (i'm sure someone can write it much smarter)

sub recips_in_same_domain {
 my $recips = shift;
 my @recip=split(/\,/,$recips);
 my (%doms,$user,$domain);
 my $count=0;

 if ($recips !~ m/\,/) { return; };

 foreach my $r (@recip) {
   if ($r =~ m/\@/) {
     ($user,$domain) = split(/\@/,$r);
   else {
   $doms{$domain} = (int $doms{$domain} + 1);

 foreach my $key (keys %doms) { $count++; }
 if ($count == 1) {
  return $domain;
 else {

Just add that function at the bottom of somewhere so sub spamassassin can call it.

Fun Fun! Thats all for now.. Hopefully I'll add a little information on a web interface soon.

content by DallasEngelken