Apache Meetups

What is a Meetup?

Propose a Meetup for ApacheCon NA 2011!

An Apache Meetup is defined as:

  • Organized by the members of the project community itself
  • Covering an Apache project (like Wicket, Cocoon, Jackrabbit, Portals, etc)
  • Having an open agenda, for which anyone can propose a talk, covering a wide range of subjects
  • Bring together a diverse crowd: committers, users and people merely interested in a specific project or technology
  • Free or 'real cheap' for attendees (depending on sponsoring or location; ApacheCon Meetups are free)

Also, Meetups generally:

  • Happen during evenings or in off-peak hours
  • Are supposed to be fun (smile)

Things that worked out well in previous Meetups:

  • Keep it short: short talks of about 15 to 30 minutes in length keep the audience's attention
  • Publicise your meetup (responsibly - no spam!) in relevant mailing lists or wikis
  • Have a wiki-like homepage where people can register interest or talks ahead of time

Examples of Past Successful Meetups

Reminder: Meetups hosted in the evenings at ApacheCon are usually free to attend and don't require registration (although it always helps to signup on the individual meetup page!)

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