"Hello World" Simple Flow Sample

  • TARGET-AUDIENCE: *beginner* advanced expert
  • COCOON-RELEASES: 2.1.3, 2.1.4
  • DOCUMENT-STATUS: *draft* reviewed released

What you will get from this page

An example of the basics required to work with flow and JXTemplates.

Your basic skills

  • You have basic knowledge about XML
  • You have setup Cocoon (and maybe looked at samples)
  • You know how to setup a new Cocoon application - see BeginnerSimpleWebappOrganisation

Technical prerequisites

  • You need a cleanly installed version of Cocoon. Please refer to BeginnerInstallation for further information.

Setting Up

You should create a new subdirectory under the Cocoon installation directory called, for example HelloFlow. Under this create a flow subdirectory and documents subdirectory.

The Sitemap

The following code should be saved in a sitemap.xmap file in the HelloFlow directory.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- "Hello World" - a simple flow and jxt sample -->
<map:sitemap xmlns:map="http://apache.org/cocoon/sitemap/1.0">
  <map:generators default="file">
    <!-- use JXTemplateGenerator to insert flow variables into page content -->
    <map:generator label="content,data" logger="sitemap.generator.jxt"
                   name="jxt" src="org.apache.cocoon.generation.JXTemplateGenerator"/>
  <!-- handle the processing of any javascript -->
  <map:flow-interpreters default="JavaScript"/>
  <map:transformers default="xslt"/>

  <map:serializers default="html"/>
  <map:matchers default="wildcard"/>
  <map:selectors default="browser"/>

  <map:pipes default="caching"/>


<map:flow language="javascript">
  <!-- Hello World will use the javascript functions defined in flow/hello.js -->
  <map:script src="flow/hello.js"/>

    <!-- call the function hello() in flow/hello.js -->
    <map:match pattern="">
      <map:call function="hello"/>
    <map:match pattern="hello">
      <map:call function="hello"/>
    <!-- use JXtemplate to generate page content -->
    <map:match pattern="*.jxt">
      <map:generate type="jxt" src="documents/{1}.jxt"/>
      <map:serialize type="xhtml"/>

The Flow Script

The following code should be saved in a hello.js file in the flow directory.

function hello() {
  var name =  "World";
  cocoon.sendPage("hello.jxt", {"name" : name} );

The Generated Page

The following code should be saved in a hello.jxt file in the documents directory.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<html xmlns:jx="http://apache.org/cocoon/templates/jx/1.0">
  <title>Cocoon Flow Hello World</title>
  <h1>Hello ${name}!</h1>

What did we achieve?

  • Introduced the necessary components into the sitemap to allow for flow handling; these have been clearly indicated and can be added to existing or new applications that require flow.
  • Demonstrated how flow can create variable data and pass this to a template generator.
  • Showed how simple it is to include flow-generated data in a web page.

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