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edward@udanax:~/workspace/hama-trunk$ bin/hama jar examples/target/hama-examples-0.7.0-SNAPSHOT.jar pi
13/05/14 16:02:32 INFO mortbay.log: Logging to org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerAdapter(org.mortbay.log) via org.mortbay.log.Slf4jLog
13/05/14 16:02:32 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
13/05/14 16:02:32 INFO bsp.BSPJobClient: Running job: job_localrunner_0001
13/05/14 16:02:32 INFO bsp.LocalBSPRunner: Setting up a new barrier for 10 tasks!
13/05/14 16:02:32 INFO examples.PiEstimator$MyEstimator: local:6Logging6: Logging test: 3.1412
13/05/14 16:02:32 INFO examples.PiEstimator$MyEstimator: local:9Logging9: Logging test: 3.1308
13/05/14 16:02:32 INFO examples.PiEstimator$MyEstimator: local:5:5Logging Logging test: 3.1304
13/05/14 16:02:32 INFO examples.PiEstimator$MyEstimator: local:4:4Logging Logging test: 3.1756
13/05/14 16:02:32 INFO examples.PiEstimator$MyEstimator: local:3:3Logging Logging test: 3.1444
13/05/14 16:02:32 INFO examples.PiEstimator$MyEstimator: local:8:8Logging Logging test: 3.1452
13/05/14 16:02:32 INFO examples.PiEstimator$MyEstimator: local:0Logging0: Logging test: 3.1468
13/05/14 16:02:32 INFO examples.PiEstimator$MyEstimator: local:1:1Logging Logging test: 3.1684
13/05/14 16:02:32 INFO examples.PiEstimator$MyEstimator: local:2:2Logging Logging test: 3.1256
13/05/14 16:02:32 INFO examples.PiEstimator$MyEstimator: local:7:7Logging Logging test: 3.114
13/05/14 16:02:35 INFO bsp.BSPJobClient: Current supersteps number: 0
13/05/14 16:02:35 INFO bsp.BSPJobClient: The total number of supersteps: 0
13/05/14 16:02:35 INFO bsp.BSPJobClient: Counters: 7
13/05/14 16:02:35 INFO bsp.BSPJobClient:   org.apache.hama.bsp.JobInProgress$JobCounter
13/05/14 16:02:35 INFO bsp.BSPJobClient:     SUPERSTEPS=0
13/05/14 16:02:35 INFO bsp.BSPJobClient:     LAUNCHED_TASKS=10
13/05/14 16:02:35 INFO bsp.BSPJobClient:   org.apache.hama.bsp.BSPPeerImpl$PeerCounter
13/05/14 16:02:35 INFO bsp.BSPJobClient:     SUPERSTEP_SUM=10
13/05/14 16:02:35 INFO bsp.BSPJobClient:     TIME_IN_SYNC_MS=59
13/05/14 16:02:35 INFO bsp.BSPJobClient:     TOTAL_MESSAGES_SENT=10
13/05/14 16:02:35 INFO bsp.BSPJobClient:     TOTAL_MESSAGES_RECEIVED=10
13/05/14 16:02:35 INFO bsp.BSPJobClient:     TASK_OUTPUT_RECORDS=1
Estimated value of PI is	3.14224
Job Finished in 3.141 seconds
