Apache Kylin : Analytical Data Warehouse for Big Data

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  1. Send a Email to Kylin Dev's mailing list or one of the documentation maintainer, the email should contain:
    1. You want to update or add a new page ? 
    2. Why you find it is a necessary to update documentation ?
    3. The URL of wiki you want to update or add ?
    4. Your apache  account (register one if you don't have it)?
  2. When maintainer approve your request, he/she will create a empty wiki page for you and add restriction for the provided wiki URL (so that only author and maintainer can view an edit).
    1. https://confluence.atlassian.com/conf75/page-restrictions-1004946474.html)
  3. After reviewed and approved by maintainer, maintainer will make this wiki link public, and the maintainer need to check if other part of wiki need to be updated after introduce this wiki/article.


Xiaoxiang Yuxxyu@apache.orgGMT+8N/A
Yaqian Zhangyaqian_zhang@126.comGMT+8N/A
Shaofeng Shishaofengshi@apache.orgGMT+8N/A
Zhichao Zhangzhangzc@apache.org or zhichao.zhang824@qq.com GMT+8N/A