
The Apache Directory team is pleased to announce the release of ApacheDS 2.0.0-M8, the eigth milestone toward a 2.0 version.

ApacheDS is an extensible and embeddable directory server entirely written in Java, which has been certified LDAPv3 compatible by the Open Group. Besides LDAP it supports Kerberos 5 and the Change Password Protocol. It has been designed to introduce triggers, stored procedures, queues and views to the world of LDAP which has lacked these rich constructs.

Here is the release note for Apache Directory ApacheDS 2.0.0-M8:

DIRSERVER-1458 - Cursor API generic usage is totally wrong
DIRSERVER-1624 - Index are not created when added after the server has been started
DIRSERVER-1655 - Possible incorrect insertion of modifications in the consumer log
DIRSERVER-1659 - the files contains a hard coded revision. This is not good
DIRSERVER-1663 - NPE when doing add/delete and search at the same time on the same entries
DIRSERVER-1677 - Dependencies cleanup
DIRSERVER-1689 - testNoSearchByNonAdmin does not throw an LdapNoPermissionException, as expected
DIRSERVER-1706 - be sure we close the cursors when the session expires and if we have paged searches or persistent search going on
DIRSERVER-1709 - Adding an index does not create the index if the server is already started
DIRSERVER-1710 - The memory default (128M) is not enouh in most case
DIRSERVER-1715 - Implement backward browse for DescendantCursor and ChildrenCursor
DIRSERVER-1718 - Problems when adding a schema containing one or more uppercased letters
DIRSERVER-1722 - The PagedSearchIT.testPagedSearchWrongCookie() test blocks randomly the build
DIRSERVER-1723 - Potential LRUCache exhaustion with searches
DIRSERVER-1726 - DefaultPasswordValidator always throws PasswordPolicyException when consecutive non-letter chars are in RDN
DIRSERVER-1727 - LDAP Searches against boolean attributes with booleanMatch equality never return matches
DIRSERVER-1732 - ERR_04131 The value is expected to be a String
DIRSERVER-1735 - When ads-pwdmaxage attribute is set to more then 2147483, then all user passwords are expirer forever.
DIRSERVER-1737 - ApacheDS should be able to start even when one of its indexed attributes can't be found in the schema manager
DIRSERVER-1738 - Can't restart ApacheDS after setting a value superior to Integer.MAX_VALUE in an AT with Integer syntax
DIRSERVER-1739 - LDAP Searches Slow
DIRSERVER-1744 - Compex LDAP search filters returning unmatched objects
DIRSERVER-1747 - Presence index is not up to date when the server is started
DIRSERVER-1748 - EqualityEvaluator does not work correctly

Note that this is a milestone, and some parts of the API or configuration can change before the 2.0 GA. We don't have any defined time frame for the
2.0-GA release, we do expect to release a few more milestones before reaching the 2.0-GA.

Downloads are available at

The Apache Directory team is pleased to announce the release of ApacheDS 2.0.0-M7, the seventh milestone toward a 2.0 version.

ApacheDS is an extensible and embeddable directory server entirely written in Java, which has been certified LDAPv3 compatible by the Open Group. Besides LDAP it supports Kerberos 5 and the Change Password Protocol. It has been designed to introduce triggers, stored procedures, queues and views to the world of LDAP which has lacked these rich constructs.

Here is the release note for Apache Directory ApacheDS 2.0.0-M7:

DIRSERVER-1093 - the ResourceRecordEncoder and QuestionRecordEncoder have bug for empty domainName
DIRSERVER-1697 - Creation of new syntax fails due to ERR_277 Attribute m-obsolete not declared in objectClasses of entry
DIRSERVER-1698 - Search on entries with multiple AVA in RDN does not work correctly if the initial RDN order is not used
DIRSERVER-1702 - Adding an index through annotation does not work
DIRSERVER-1712 - If the index are created using their alias, they are deleted immediately
DIRSERVER-1711 - Index initialization is taking way too much time
DIRSERVER-1713 - Error on console with first start of clean system

Note that this is a milestone, and some parts of the API or configuration can change before the 2.0 GA. We don't have any defined time frame for the 2.0-G1 release, we do expect to release a few more milestones before reaching the 2.0-GA.

Downloads are available at

The Apache Directory Team is proud to announce the availability of the 1.0.0-M12 version of the Apache Directory LDAP API.

The Apache Directory LDAP client API is an ongoing effort to provide an enhanced LDAP API, as a replacement for JNDI and the existing LDAP API (jLdap and Mozilla LDAP API).

This is a schema aware API, with some convenient ways to access a LDAP server. This API is not only targeting the Apache Directory Server, but should work pristine with any LDAP server.

It's also an extensible API : new Controls, schema elements and network layer could be added or used in the near future. It's also OSGi capable.

In this milestone, we have fixed some issues, some of them being critical:

Here is the release note for Apache Directory LDAP API 1.0.0-M12:

Bugs :

  • DIRAPI-82 Loading class file as stream under Windows bugged
  • DIRAPI-83 - Debug logging causes never ending loop when decoding messages
  • DIRAPI-84 - API fails to preserve the UP name of the attribute in a normalized DN
  • DIRSHARED-53 - Review RequestID processing
  • DIRSHARED-134 - Missing artifact when depending on apacheds-server-jndi

Improvement :

  • DIRSHARED-128 - Update the samba schema with samba version 3 elements

Feel free to experiment, we highly appreciate your feedback !

Web site :

Download :

Guide :

The Apache Directory Team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Directory Studio 2.0 M3, the third milestone release of the version 2.0 of its Eclipse based LDAP Browser and Directory client.

You can download Apache Directory Studio 2.0 M3 as a standalone RCP application for Mac OS X, Linux and Windows here:

You can install it directly in Eclipse using this update site:

Here is the release note for Apache Directory Studio 2.0 M3:

  • DIRSTUDIO-764 - Image Editor does not work correctly
  • DIRSTUDIO-765 - Can not export DSML
  • DIRSTUDIO-767 - All attribute names are lowercase when using Apache Directory LDAP Client API
  • DIRSTUDIO-768 - Error while searching using a filter on a binary attribute
  • DIRSTUDIO-769 - Alt-S shortkey does not work in Search Dialog
  • DIRSTUDIO-770 - Typos in french translation
  • DIRSTUDIO-771 - Searches are not saved when closing Studio 2.0 M1/M2
  • DIRSTUDIO-772 - Entry UUID Editor can't display eDirectory GUID
  • DIRSTUDIO-773 - IllegalArgumentException thrown when copying the RootDSE
  • DIRSTUDIO-776 - Misleading title for action "Open 'Search Result'/'Bookmark'/'Entry' in DIT" in LDAP Browser view context menu
  • DIRSTUDIO-777 - Renaming entry fails when using Apache Directory LDAP API
  • DIRSTUDIO-778 - NullPointerException when refreshing a TableEntryEditor
  • DIRSTUDIO-779 - Label for folded attributes in TableEntryEditor is not updated when quick filter is used
  • DIRSTUDIO-783 - The 'Rename Entry' dialog doesn't resize automatically when adding or removing RDN parts


  • DIRSTUDIO-713 - Improve the 'Show in' sub-menu of the TableEntryEditor
  • DIRSTUDIO-780 - Allow Apache Directory Studio to be pinned to Windows 7's taskbar
  • DIRSTUDIO-782 - Improve Windows installer with JRE detection and creation of 'Apache Directory Studio.ini' file
  • DIRSTUDIO-784 - Add the ability to sort searches in the LDAP Browser view
  • DIRSTUDIO-785 - Add the ability to sort bookmarks in the LDAP Browser view

Click here to view the full Release Notes.

The Apache Directory team is pleased to announce the release of ApacheDS 2.0.0-M6, the sixth milestone toward a 2.0 version.

ApacheDS is an extensible and embeddable directory server entirely written in Java, which has been certified LDAPv3 compatible by the Open Group. Besides LDAP it supports Kerberos 5 and the Change Password Protocol. It has been designed to introduce triggers, stored procedures, queues and views to the world of LDAP which has lacked these rich constructs.

Here is the release note for Apache Directory ApacheDS 2.0.0-M6:

  • DIRSERVER-1644 - User provided value is not retained during rename operation
  • DIRSERVER-1681 - adding entries with attribute userCertificate;binary fails with "No such attribute"
  • DIRSERVER-1692 - Unable to add a JPEG image to an entry due to an 'Invalid Attribute Syntax' error
  • DIRSERVER-1693 - Renaming an entry when the RDN uses a case insensitive AT should be possible
  • DIRSERVER-1694 - Renaming an existing entry with a DN containing upper cased chars will not store the CN as provided
  • DIRSERVER-1696 - Creation of an entry like cn=test1+cn=test2, ou=system should not be allowed
  • DIRSERVER-1699 - DN/RDN handling is incorrect when there are some escaped values into them
  • DIRSERVER-1700 - Version in Root DSE is reported as '$pom.version'

Note that this is a milestone, and some parts of the API or configuration can change before the 2.0 GA. We don't have any defined time frame for the 2.0-G1 release, we do expect to release a few more milestones before reaching the 2.0-GA.

Downloads are available at

The Apache Directory Team is proud to announce the availability of the 1.0.0-M11 version of the Apache Directory LDAP API.

The Apache Directory LDAP client API is an ongoing effort to provide an enhanced LDAP API, as a replacement for JNDI and the existing LDAP API (jLdap and Mozilla LDAP API).

This is a schema aware API, with some convenient ways to access a LDAP server. This API is not only targeting the Apache Directory Server, but should work pristine with any LDAP server.

It's also an extensible API : new Controls, schema elements and network layer could be added or used in the near future. It's also OSGi capable.

In this milestone, we have fixed some issues, some of them being critical:

Here is the release note for Apache Directory LDAP API 1.0.0-M11:

  • DIRAPI-71 - Filter are not converted from Unicode to UTF-8
  • DIRAPI-78 - Binary attributes are not correctly recognized and are retrieved with data corruption
  • DIRAPI-79 - Normalized attribute name (lowercased) used when converting entries from API to JNDI


  • DIRAPI-58 - Method should be renamed as loadDefaultSchema() to avoid confusion
  • DIRAPI-75 - Throw InvalidDnException from Rdn constructor if passed more than one '='

New Feature

  • DIRAPI-64 - Relax LDAP filtering checks to allow trivial filters without parenthesis

Feel free to experiment, we highly appreciate your feedback !

Web site :
Download :
User Guide :

The Apache Directory Team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Directory Studio 2.0 M2, the second milestone release of the version 2.0 of its Eclipse based LDAP Browser and Directory client.

You can download Apache Directory Studio 2.0 M2 as a standalone RCP application for Mac OS X, Linux and Windows here:

You can install it directly in Eclipse using this update site:

Here are the release notes for Apache Directory Studio 2.0 M2:

  • DIRSTUDIO-630 - Importing a Schema project twice shouldn't be possible
  • DIRSTUDIO-733 - Error while reading RootDSE on Sun One directory server
  • DIRSTUDIO-739 - Using 'Quick Search' in the DN editor while editing some object cancels editing and jumps to 'Quick Search' in the main window
  • DIRSTUDIO-759 - Exit confirmation dialog is showed twice when quitting the application by closing the window on Linux and Windows
  • DIRSTUDIO-760 - Unable to bind on an Active Directory server using 'domain\userid'
  • DIRSTUDIO-763 - Typo in some English error messages ('occured' instead of 'occurred')

Click here to view the full Release Notes.

The Apache Directory team is pleased to announce the release of ApacheDS 2.0.0-M5, the fifth milestone toward a 2.0 version.

Here are the release notes for Apache Directory ApacheDS 2.0.0-M5:

  • DIRSERVER-1660 - DMG based installer generation fails on Mac OSX Lion
  • DIRSERVER-1688 - Using rm -d is not portable to Slackware
  • DIRKRB-81 - The ReplayCacheEntry is marked as Serializable, but contains no serializable fields
  • DIRKRB-84 - EncryptionTypes are not correctly handled in the server

Note that this is a milestone, and some parts of the API or configuration can change before the 2.0 GA. We don't have any defined time frame for the 2.0-G1 release, we do expect to release a few more milestones before reaching the 2.0-GA.

Downloads are available at

The Apache Directory team is proud to announce the availability of the 1.0.0-M10 version of the Apache Directory LDAP API.

The Apache Directory LDAP client API is an ongoing effort to provide an enhanced LDAP API, as a replacement for JNDI and the existing LDAP API (jLdap and Mozilla LDAP API).

In this milestone, we have fixed some issues, one of them being critical :

Here are the release notes for Apache Directory LDAP API 1.0.0-M10:

  • DIRAPI-68 - Unable to bind on an Active Directory server using 'domain\userid'

Feel free to experiment, we highly appreciate your feedback !

Web site :
Download :
User Guide :

The Apache Directory Team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Directory Studio 2.0 M1, a first milestone release of the version 2.0 of its Eclipse based LDAP Browser and Directory client.

You can download Apache Directory Studio 2.0 M1 as a standalone RCP application for Mac OS X, Linux and Windows here:

You can install it directly in Eclipse using this update site:

Here are a few highlights of this new version:

  • The Apache Directory LDAP API has now been integrated in Apache Directory Studio:
    • it is used as default network provider (as a replacement for JNDI - which is still selectable)
    • and also in the Schema Editor plugin for checking the schema inconsistencies
  • A new LDAP Servers plugin has been introduced and replaces the ApacheDS plugin:
    • it provides an open way to include LDAP Server adapters which allows you create and run a new LDAP Server within seconds
    • LDAP Server adapters are provided for all ApacheDS versions from 1.5.3 to the latest milestone 2.0 M4).
  • A new ApacheDS 2.0 Configuration plugin takes care of editing the configuration of a 2.0 ApacheDS instance:
    • it reads the configuration from the LDIF configuration file on the filesystem
    • it can also read the configuration via LDAP using a connection defined in the LDAP Browser
  • The RCP application is based on the latest version of Eclipse (3.7.1):
    • it is provided in two versions (32 bit and 64 bit) for each major operating system (Mac OS X, Linux & Windows)
  • There are a lot more new additions, improvements and bug fixes (see release notes)

Click here to view the Release Notes.

Apache Directory team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Directory Server version 2.0.0-M2, which is the second milestone toward a 2.0 version.

This version is the first one which include a working Master-Slave replication, plus many other bug fixes.

It has to be noted that we are not using anymore the server.xml configuration file, as all the configuration is now stored in the DIT.

Some part of the server are now OSGi compliant, and we want the 2.0-GA to be fully OSGi compliant.

Note that this is a milestone, and some parts of the API or configuration can change before the 2.0 GA. We don't have any defined time frame for the 2.0-G1 release, we do expect to release a few more milestones before reaching the 2.0-GA.

Downloads are available at

Apache Directory team is pleased to announce the sixth milestone for the Apache LDAP API. It's a bug fix release, fixing one critical issue and some more less important bugs.

Release note


DIRAPI-49 - LdapNetworkConnection.anonymousBind() uses name and credentials from configuration instead of empty values
DIRAPI-50 - Add additional GssApiRequest property
DIRAPI-51 - Add cipher suite support to LdapConnectionConfig
DIRAPI-52 - Connection seems to remain opened, leading to 'Too many open files' on some servers


DIRAPI-48 - Improve error reporting when an UnresolvedAddressException is thrown while connecting

As it's a milestone, our users have to be warned that some new features may be added, and some refactoring done.

However, we engage anyone who want to help to test this release and bring back some feedback !


Supports synchronous and asynchronous operations
Very convenient API to perform all LDAP related operations
Schema aware operations
OSGI capable API
DSML/LDIF format support

We invite interested people to come and participate in this effort to make working with LDAP servers a breeze.

Apache Directory Team

Apache Directory team is pleased to announce the forth milestone for the Apache LDAP API. It comes after three other milestones which weren't advertized.

As it's a milestone, our users have to be warned that some new features may be added, and some refactoring done.

However, we engage anyone who want to help to test this release and bring back some feedback !


  • Supports synchronous and asynchronous operations
  • Very convenient API to perform all LDAP related operations
  • Schema aware operations
  • OSGI capable API
  • DSML/LDIF format support

We invite interested people to come and participate in this effort to make working with LDAP servers a breeze.

Apache Directory Team

 Apache Directory team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Directory Server version 1.5.7, this is mainly a bug fix release.

 Downloads are available at

What's new ?

  • The partition inheritence structure has been refactored to make implementing new partitions easy



  • [DIRSERVER-1488] - Accessing schema over JNDI delivers wrong values for mandatory/available attributes


Apache Directory team is pleased to announce the first ever release of the LDAP client API developed in collaboration with OpenDS developers.

Note that this API is still in its preliminary stages and will evolve further in the coming versions.


  • Supports synchronous and asynchronous operations
  • Very convenient API to perform all LDAP related operations
  • Uses MINA version 2.0.0-RC1 in the network layer

We invite interested people to come and participate in this effort to make working with LDAP servers a breeze.

Apache Directory Team