JobInProgress // Information contained within JobInProgress

Path jobFile;

Path localJobFile;

Path localJarFile;

LocalFileSystem localFs; // need higher level abstraction. decoupled from particular fs.

int restartCount; // no use.

long startTime;

long launchTime;// no use.

long finishTime;

int maxTaskAttempts;

String jobName;


String user

BSPJobID jobid

String jobFile

String jobName// redundant


BSPJobID jobid;

long progress; // % of bsp()

long cleanupProgress; // % of cleanup()

long setupProgress;// % of setup()

State state;// runState in enum

int runState; // redudant

long startTime;

String schedulingInfo = "NA"; // no use

String user; // redudant

long superstepCount;

String name; // no use

int tasks;

long finishTime;

Counters counter; // information should be exported as metrics. //See Counters In Action