Incubator board report, November 2012

As mentioned last month, Jukka Zitting is resigning as the IPMC
chair due to changes in personal life. The Incubator PMC has voted
to recommend Benson Margulies as the successor for this post.

Overall the Incubator continues to work as the path for new projects
to join the ASF. There are still various unresolved issues in the
incubation process and the structures, roles and documentation
surrounding it, but none of these issues seem as unresolvable as
they did still at the beginning of this year. Also the reduction
in the number of active podlings from 59 at the beginning of the
year to 39 today has helped free up volunteer energy and time to
better focus on helping the remaining podlings.

o Community

  Roman Shaposhnik joined the Incubator PMC since our last report.

  The following podlings are requesting graduation to Apache TLPs:

  - Apache Kafka
  - Apache Syncope
  - Apache Wookie

  The Incubator PMC recommends the board to accept the respective resolutions.

  Other podlings like Clerezza, Droids and Nuvem would otherwise seem ready
  for graduation, but their low community activity seems risky for a standalone
  TLP. Thus they're looking at possibly graduating into broader existing TLPs.
  See the respective reports for more details on these plans.

  The following proposals for new incubating projects were accepted:

  - Apache Hadoop Development Tools
  - Apache Onami

  The proposal for a new Apache Streams podling is being voted on, and
  various other proposals for new projects are being prepared.

  The previously mentioned vote to retire the Apache Kitty podling passed.

o Releases

  The following incubating releases were made since our last report:

  - October 15th, 2012: Apache Droids 0.2.0-incubating
  - October 30th, 2012: Apache Syncope 1.0.3-incubating
  - November 2nd, 2012: Apache CloudStack 4.0.0-incubating
  - November 12th, 2012: Apache Flex SDK Installer 1.0.9-incubating
  - November 15th, 2012: Apache Bloodhound 0.2-incubating

  The crypto export issue of the Wookie podling is still open and is
  blocking their releases. Assistance from the legal team is requested.

o Legal / Trademarks

  The trademark team continues to be helpful in resolving various
  trademark-related issues that come up with many podlings.

  Apart from the crypto export issue mentioned above there
  are currently no major open legal issues that would require
  board attention.

o Infrastructure

  The first few podlings using the previously proposed streamlined infrastructure are now up and running.

-------------------- Summary of podling reports --------------------

Still getting started at the Incubator (4 podlings)

  Blur, Drill, Helix, Ripple

  These projects are still getting started, so no immediate progress
  towards graduation is yet expected.

Not yet ready to graduate (6 podlings)

  Low activity:  Clerezza, Droids, NPanday, Nuvem, PhotArk
  Low diversity: Ambari

  We expect the next quarterly report of projects in this category to
  include a summary of their actions and progress in solving these issues. 

Ready to graduate (6 podlings)

  Amber, Crunch, DeltaSpike, Syncope, Wookie, Wink

  We expect these projects to graduate within the next quarter.


Ambari is monitoring, administration and lifecycle management project
for Apache Hadoop clusters. Incubating since 30 August 2011.

  - Ambari 0.9 released.
  - Working towards the next release - target date sometime in end
    Nov/early December
  - One new PPMC member added - Yusaku Sako
  - AMBARI-666 branch created to allow a more flexible architecture
    - goal is to merge it to trunk for the next release
  - More than 270 jiras have been fixed on AMBARI-666
  - Number of users on the list - 85
  - Number of devs on the list - 67 

Issues that must be addressed before graduation are:

  - Attracting users and developers
  - Increase diversity of developers outside of Hortonworks

Signed-off-by: Owen O'Malley, Devaraj Das, cdouglas, jukka


Amber has been incubating since July 2010. Amber is a project to develop
a Java library which provides an API specification for, and an unconditionally
compliant implementation of the OAuth v1.0, v1.0a and v2.0 specifications.
OAuth is a mechanism that allows users to authenticate and authorise access
by another party to resources they control while avoiding the need to share
their username and password credentials.

A list of the three most important issues to address in the move towards

  - Attract users and developers
  - Start to execute  the graduation plan

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of?

  - No particularly issues at the moment

How has the community developed since the last report?

  New users / devs show up on the mailing lists both contributing patches and
  asking for guidance/release.

How has the project developed since the last report

  After the Amber first release (amber-0.22-incubating) seems that the
  community has taken a little hiatus. Next challenge is to comply against the
  just released RFC 6749 ( Since the last
  report we fixed some issues for aligning with latest OAuth specification.

Signed-off-by: wave (as shepherd)
IPMC comments:
  wave: I think that Amber is ready to graduate - the traffic on the ML is
        down but indicates that some might use Amber if it were a TLP. I see
        starts to the process, I think that the mentors just need to give the
        podling some nudges. Some status updates to the mentor lists and
        sign-offs are in order as well.


(Incubating since August 2012)

Apache Blur is a search platform capable of searching massive amounts of data
in a cloud computing environment.

Issues needing Board/Incubator PMC Attention:


Key Activities:

  - Website has been migrated to Apache CMS and is online at

  - Apache Rat has been integrated into the build process
    - Many of issues that Apache Rat identified have been corrected

  - A major rework of the code base is in progress with a goal of releasing
    0.2 as the first release of Apache Blur
    - During the rework of the code the community has been active in
      discussions and contributing code
    - Jan 2013 is a realistic timeline for a release

  - The most significant development achievement over the past month has
    been the update to Lucene 4.0
    NOTE: The version change caused several thousand compile errors and many
    were fixed by community contributions.  With the help of community
    developers the update only took a couple of weeks before tests were
    passing and the application was working again.


  - Over the past 30 days in JIRA, 17 issues have been created and 12 resolved.
  - Several of these issues were resolved by contributions from outside the
    current committers.
  - Subscriptions: users@ - 22[+3]; dev@ - 24[+3]
  - Mail list messages in blur-dev has grown to 227 in October,
    up from 70 in August

Graduation is still a long way off, the next major milestone toward graduation
will be Blur's first Apache release.

Signed-off-by: twilliams


(incubating since November 27th, 2009)

Clerezza is a framework and set of components designed to make it easy to
build applications for the semantic and the social web.

Although Clerezza could technically graduate, activity has been very low and
diminishing since 2010, especially regarding the content management components.
The reusable RDF libraries are used in Stanbol for example and see slightly
more activity.

We've started a discussion about the future of Clerezza, with a proposal to
move those reusable libraries to another project, probably Stanbol, and
terminate incubation of the other components.

The goal is to have a decision on this within a few days.

Signed-off-by: bdelacretaz (mentor), jukka
IPMC comments:
  jukka: See also Stanbol's TLP report to the board.


Crunch is a Java library for writing, testing, and running pipelines
of MapReduce jobs on Apache Hadoop.

Crunch entered incubation on 2012-05-29.

The most important steps towards graduation:

  - Create another release or two
  - Perform the name search

Nothing that currently requires IPMC attention.


  The Crunch community has been very active and continues to
  grow. Two new committers have been voted in and one existing
  committer has joined the PPMC. As a result, Crunch now has 10
  committers from 7 different organizations.

  We have created our first release in September and have published
  a website using the Apache CMS a few days later. Our second
  release will follow in November.


  - 76 issues were created on the Crunch JIRA in August to October,
    70 of those were resolved.
  - crunch-dev has been active: 922 emails in the reporting period
  - Apache CMS and ReviewBoard for Crunch are up and running
  - All ICLAs are in place, including those for the new committers

Signed-off-by: tomwhite, jukka


(incubating since December 2011)

DeltaSpike will consist of a number of portable CDI extensions that provide
useful features for Java application developers. The goal of DeltaSpike is
to create a de-facto standard of CDI-Extensions that is developed and
maintained by the community.

There are currently no issues requiring IPMC or Board attention.

Since our last report in August 2012, we have accomplished the following:

  - Migration to ApacheCMS almost finished
  - Release of deltaspike-0.3-incubating
  - JSF module started
  - New Committers (voted and added)
    - Boleslaw Dawidowicz

Upcoming major goals:

  - Finish the setup for the documentation and the website
  - Release deltaspike-0.4-incubating
  - Prepare for Graduation in the next few months

Top 2 or 3 things to resolve before graduation:


Signed-off-by: Gerhard Petracek, struberg, jukka


Drill's goal is to build an open source clone of Dremel with appropriate
extensions to foster greater flexibility.

Drill has been incubating since September of 2012.

Since last month, we have been working on bringing in existing code assets.
We now have the following items in our source repository:

  - A web-based GUI front-end for DRILL
  - A query parser for a Dremel equivalent language
  - An early prototype of a physical plan interpreter

The web front-end and query parser still need formalized IP clearance
including ICLA's or CCLA's as appropriate.  Informal clearances have been
granted on all components.

In terms of infrastructure, the project web site has been incorporated into CMS.

Graduation is still very far away, but the community activity has been high
and the mailing list has been active with over 200 postings in October.  
Numerous public presentations have been made since the last report.

Most important issues to address before we can graduate: 

  Get the basics in place, build up a working code base, make releases
  (that is, everything) 

Any issues the Incubator PMC or ASF board need to be aware of: 

  None at this time 

How has the community developed since the last report: 

  The active contributors mentioned in the previous report continue to
  be active and additional contributors have been identified.  At least
  one corporate supporter of the project has hired a full-time engineer
  to focus on Drill. We are working to bind these new contributors into the
  community and several appear likely to become committers over time.

How has the project developed since the last report: 

  The community has continued to make progress and substantial code assets
  are in the process of being contributed.

Signed-off-by: berndf


Droids is an Incubator project arrived from Apache Labs. Droids entered
incubation on October, 2008.

It's an intelligent standalone robot framework that allows one to create
and extend existing web robots.

Issues before graduation :

  Diversity is still an issue for the podling. More activity will 
  help the diversity problem.

  Commons was very recently contacted to see what options exist for
  graduating into Commons and if it would be beneficial for both communities.

Recent Activity:

  Apache Droids incubating 0.2 was released on August 9th, 2012. 
  This marks the second release for the project.

  Members of the community met up at ApacheCon EU to discuss ideas and options. 
  In accordance with ASF guidelines, no voteable decisions were made during 
  those discussions.

Signed-off-by: rfrovarp, bimargulies


Started incubating October 15th

Apache Helix is a generic cluster management framework used to build
distributed systems and provides automatic partition management, fault
tolerance and elasticity.

Issues needing Board/Incubator PMC Attention:


Key Activities:

  - Website setup at All
    committers submitted ICLA.
  - Source code migrated to Apache Git
  - Working on first release. Possibly in November.
  - Build integration
    - Integrated with Jenkins, Sonar, Apache Rat
    - Working on stabilizing tests that depend on time.
  - Code clean up and Documentation


  - 11 Jiras created, 3 resolved. Mostly on improvements.
  - Subscriptions: users@ - 18; dev@ - 15
  - Most activity on dev, little activity on user.

Next milestones

- First release
- Identify potential use cases for Helix.

Signed-off-by: olamy


NPanday allows projects using the .NET framework to be built with Apache Maven.
NPanday has been incubating since August 2010.

NPanday's lull in activity has continued with the committers busy elsewhere.
There is still interest in pulling together a release, which hopefully will
spur further activity, but little progress has been made since the last report.

The project was mildly impacted by instability in the Windows instance of
Jenkins on two recent occasions, but that appears to be sorted out.

As we reported 2 months ago, we continue to see occasional questions from users,
and occasional patch submissions, but haven't added a new committer since
20 April 2011. 

The last release was on 16 May 2011.

We are still short on mentors, and would appreciate any volunteers!

The top priorities towards graduation are:

  - work out a concrete plan towards graduation in the next quarter
  - encourage newer contributors to do so on a continuing basis.
  - reach out to other projects using .NET that might be interested in
    working with NPanday

Signed-off-by: dennisl, jukka
IPMC comments:
  jukka: Second quarter with low activity. May need to consider
         alternatives to graduation if activity doesn't pick up.


Apache Nuvem will define an open application programming interface for
common cloud application services, allowing applications to be easily
ported across the most popular cloud platforms.

Nuvem was accepted for Incubation on June, 2010.

Nuvem is a small community, where the contributions are 100% done by
volunteers in their own free time, which makes the level of activity
low, compared to what is required for graduating it as a TLP.

We have discussed this matter in the Apache Nuvem PMC, and based on
the PMC synergies and technologies dependencies, we are in conversation
with the Apache Tuscany PMC and plans are to graduate Apache Nuvem as a
subproject of Tuscany. So far, the discussions are going fine, and we
should start required votes soon.

Planned activities for graduation:

  - Start required votes to graduate as a subproject of Apache Tuscany.

Signed-off-by: lresende (mentor), Roman Shaposhnik (rvs)
IPMC comments:
    project has a low level of activity and is self-aware of that, a good
    graduation trajectory here seems to be to join Apache Tuscany as a
    sub-project. There is a vote in progress addressing such proposal.


Apache PhotArk will be a complete open source photo gallery application
including a content repository for the images, a display piece, an access
control layer, and upload capabilities.

PhotArk was accepted for Incubation on August 19, 2008.

PhotArk has a small community of contributors, mostly students, that need a
lot of attention in order to keep them active. The recent move in the 
project direction to become a hybrid HTML5/Cordova mobile application that 
aggregates images from different photo sources has contributed to bring old 
members of the community and the is also two students participating in 
GSoC that have been doing a great job and became committers.

The community has discussed retirement, and few PMC members want to still
contribute  to the project. Having said that, the reality is that PhotArk is
a small community, where the contributions are 100% done by volunteers in
their own free time, with some dependency on GSoC to attract higher level
of activity as the students can devote their full time on the project.

Right now the community is looking into preparing a release based on the
features that were implemented during the past few months.

Issues before graduation :

  PhotArk started as a project with no initial code-base, and we have
  grown the community to the minimal independent committer size required
  for graduation. We need to make these contributors constantly active
  in order to think about graduation again, or recruit new contributors.
  If the project can sustain the same level of activity for the next three
  months, I believe we could think about graduation again.

Signed-off-by: lresende (mentor), bimargulies (mentor), jukka
IPMC comments:
  jukka: It seems like the risk of relying heavily on GSoC contributions
         has materialized as a large drop in activity after summer.


Ripple is a browser based mobile phone emulator designed to aid in the
development of HTML5 based mobile applications. Ripple is a cross platform
and cross runtime testing/debugging tool. It currently supports such
runtimes as Cordova, WebWorks and the Mobile Web.

Project just entered the incubator. Currently infra related tasks are being
organized and ICLAs collected.

Signed-off-by: grobmeier


Apache Syncope is an Open Source system for managing digital identities in
enterprise environments, implemented in JEE technology. Syncope entered
incubation on 2012-02-10.

Podling's graduation resolution proposal was voted and accepted by the
Incubator PMC. Suitable name search (PODLINGNAMESEARCH-17) was also conducted.
The approved graduation proposal, alongside with the suitable name search
result, was notified to the board by podling's champion Simone Tripodi
on Nov 11th.

Signed-off-by: coheigea


Apache Wink is a project that enables development and consumption of REST
style web services. The core server runtime is based on the JAX-RS (JSR 311)
standard. The project also introduces a client runtime which can leverage
certain components of the server-side runtime. Apache Wink will deliver
component technology that can be easily integrated into a variety of

Apache Wink has been incubating since 2009-05-27.

Development list traffic and discussions are steadily, but low. Users
have been helping each other with questions and suggestions.

The community has concluded the graduation vote, and we are waiting
for the name search jira to get closed by the Trademark PMC so that 
we can start an IPMC vote.

Activities since last report period :

  - Apache Wink 1.2.1 completed.
  - Michael Fiedler voted as new Apache Wink committer

Planned Activity:

  - Start graduation process in IPMC once name search jira is closed.

Signed-off-by: lresende, jukka


Wookie is a Java server application that allows you to upload and deploy
widgets for your applications. Wookie is based on the W3C Widgets
specification, but widgets can also be included that use extended APIs
such as Google Wave Gadgets and OpenSocial.

Wookie has been incubating since 17th July 2009. 

Progress since August 2012:

  - Started monthly release for August
    (version 0.12.0. has been stalled - see below)
  - Progressed graduation process

Next steps:

  - Resume monthly release cycle
  - Complete graduation process

Issues before graduation:

  - none


- Graduation process

  Further to our graduation status as reported in our last report...

  Name searches completed

  Held Graduation Vote

  The proposal to graduate Wookie as a TLP was sent to on
  31/10/2012 to be resolved at the next meeting.

- Stalled Release

  On 22 August we created the build artifacts for version 0.12.0-incubating,
  in accordance with our monthly release schedule. During the VOTE process
  a question was raised on the subject of the inclusion of Apache Santuario
  XMLSec in wookie.


  It was decided to ask/consult apache legal. At present there has been no
  answer on this matter and therefore the wookie release cycle is stalled.
  We urgently require guidance on this matter, so we can resolve this build
  and consequently resume our release cycle.


Signed-off-by: ate, mfranklin, bimargulies