Adding a New Language to Nutch....

If you want to have Nutch in your language - hopefully the below helps. I have been Googling around and digging in some source code...

<input type="hidden" name="lang" value="fa"/>

Change the value of lang to match the language you are adding (e.g. fa)

    <antcall target="generate-locale">
	<param name="doc.locale"  value="fa"/>

Where fa is the language to add.

ant generate-docs

  //see what locale we should use
  Locale ourLocale = null;
  if(!queryLang.equals("")) {
	ourLocale = new Locale(queryLang);
	language = new String(queryLang);
  }else {
	ourLocale = request.getLocale();

Then change the line:

<i18n:bundle baseName=""/>


<i18n:bundle baseName="" locale="<%=ourLocale%>"/>
ant war