#      Host Settings       #
<IfModule !mod_perl.c>
	# let's throw and error
	please enable mod_perl!

<IfModule mod_perl.c>
	# Required Modules
	<IfDefine DAV>
	    LoadModule dav_module modules/mod_dav.so
	    LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/mod_dav_fs.so
	    DAVLockDB logs/davlock

	<IfDefine FTP>
		LoadModule ftp_module modules/mod_ftp.so
		FTPLimitDBFile logs/ftpd.db
		FTPOptions CheckMaxClients ShowUnAuthorizedFiles
		FTPLimitLoginUser 10
		LogFormat    "%{%b %e %H:%M:%S %Y}t %T %a %B %U %M %F %d %W %u %S %Z %Y" ftp_log

	# Listening Sockets
	Listen 80
	NameVirtualHost *:80
	<IfDefine DAV>
		Listen 81
		NameVirtualHost *:81

	<IfDefine FTP>
		Listen 21 ftp
		AcceptFilter ftp none
		NameVirtualHost *:21

		# database configuration
		my %dbcfg = (
			server		=> 'localhost',
			database	=> 'httpd',
			user		=> 'apache',
			pass		=> 'wRu3REfr'
		my %host = (
			http_tmpl	=> '/srv/httpd/conf/templates/http.tmpl',
			dav_tmpl	=> '/srv/httpd/conf/templates/webdav.tmpl',
			ftp_tmpl	=> '/srv/httpd/conf/templates/ftp.tmpl',
			path		=> '/srv/hosts'

		# modules
		use strict;
		use warnings;
		use DBI;					# DBI + DBD MySQL Driver
		use Apache2::PerlSections;	# Apache2::PerlSection is needed for add_config

		# read templates
		open(TMPL, $host{'http_tmpl'}) or die "Can't read http template";
		$host{'http_tmpl'} = '';
		while (<TMPL>){
			$host{'http_tmpl'} = $host{'http_tmpl'} . $_ . "\n";

		open(TMPL, $host{'dav_tmpl'}) or die "Can't read dav template";
		$host{'dav_tmpl'} = '';
		while (<TMPL>){
			$host{'dav_tmpl'} = $host{'dav_tmpl'} . $_ . "\n";

		open(TMPL, $host{'ftp_tmpl'}) or die "Can't read ftp template";
		$host{'ftp_tmpl'} = '';
		while (<TMPL>){
			$host{'ftp_tmpl'} = $host{'ftp_tmpl'} . $_ . "\n";

		# apache server hook
		my $srv = Apache2::PerlSections->server();
		# database connection
		my $dbh = DBI->connect(

		if(not $dbh){
            print "Can't connect to mysql server!\n";
            die $DBI::errstr;
		# fetch hosts
		my $hosts = $dbh->prepare(q{
			SELECT hosts.id, name, IF( ISNULL( configuration), '', configuration) configuration, webdav, ftp, cgi, ssi, php			 
			FROM hosts
			LEFT JOIN configuration ON (configuration.id = hosts.id)
			WHERE enabled = 1
			ORDER BY hosts.id ASC;
		}) or die $dbh->errstr;

		# generate vhosts
		while ( (my $id,my $name,my $cfg,my $bDAV,my $bFTP,my $bCGI,my $bSSI,my $bPHP) = $hosts->fetchrow_array() ) {
			# generate aditional configuration
			if ($bSSI == 1) {
				my $ssi = ''; 
				$ssi = $ssi . "\t<IfModule mod_include.c>\n";
       			$ssi = $ssi . "\t\tAddType text/html .shtml .shtm\n";
       			$ssi = $ssi . "\t\tAddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml  .shtm\n";
                $ssi = $ssi . "\t</IfModule>\n";
				$cfg = $ssi . $cfg;

			if ($bCGI == 1) {
				my $cgi = ''; 
				$cgi = $cgi . "\tScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ \"%host_dir%/%name%/cgi-bin/\"\n";
       			$cgi = $cgi . "\t<Directory \"%host_dir%/%name%/cgi-bin\">\n";
                $cgi = $cgi . "\t\tAllowOverride None\n";
                $cgi = $cgi . "\t\tOptions None\n";
                $cgi = $cgi . "\t\tOrder allow,deny\n";
                $cgi = $cgi . "\t\tAllow from all\n";
                $cgi = $cgi . "\t</Directory>\n";

				$cgi = $cgi . "\t<IfModule mod_cgi.c>\n";
       			$cgi = $cgi . "\t\tAddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl\n";
                $cgi = $cgi . "\t</IfModule>\n";
                $cgi = $cgi . "\t<IfModule mod_cgid.c>\n";
                $cgi = $cgi . "\t\tAddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl\n";
                $cgi = $cgi . "\t</IfModule>\n";
				$cfg = $cgi . $cfg;

			if ($bPHP == 1) {
				my $php = ''; 
				$php = $php . "\t<IfModule mod_php5.c>\n";
       			$php = $php . "\t\tAddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php\n";
       			$php = $php . "\t\tAddHandler application/x-httpd-php-source .phps\n";
                $php = $php . "\t</IfModule>\n";
				$cfg = $php . $cfg;
			# get aliases
			my $aliases = '';
			my $alias = $dbh->prepare(q{
				SELECT alias
				FROM aliases
				WHERE id = ?;
	        }) or die $dbh->errstr;
			while ( (my $n) = $alias->fetchrow_array() ) {
				$aliases = $aliases . " " . $n;
			if ($aliases ne '') {
				$aliases = "ServerAlias" . $aliases;
			# validate documentroot
			if(!-d "$host{'path'}/$name"){
                mkdir("$host{'path'}/$name", 0755);
                mkdir("$host{'path'}/$name/_sys", 0755);
                mkdir("$host{'path'}/$name/_sys/logs", 0755);
                mkdir("$host{'path'}/$name/_sys/tmp", 0755); #for php temp directory
                mkdir("$host{'path'}/$name/_sys/sessions", 0755); #for php sessions directory
                mkdir("$host{'path'}/$name/httpdocs", 0755);
                mkdir("$host{'path'}/$name/cgi-bin", 0755);			
				system('chown -R apache:apache "'.$host{'path'}.'/'.$name.'"');

			# create vhost
			my $vhost = $host{'http_tmpl'};
			if ($bDAV == 1) {
				$vhost = $vhost . "\n" . $host{'dav_tmpl'};
			if ($bFTP == 1) {
				$vhost = $vhost . "\n" . $host{'ftp_tmpl'};
			$vhost =~ s/%id%/$id/g;			
			$vhost =~ s/%cfg%/$cfg/g;			
			$vhost =~ s/%host_dir%/$host{'path'}/g;			
			$vhost =~ s/%name%/$name/g;			
			$vhost =~ s/%aliases%/$aliases/g;			

			$vhost =~ s/%db_server%/$dbcfg{'server'}/g;			
			$vhost =~ s/%db_name%/$dbcfg{'database'}/g;			
			$vhost =~ s/%db_user%/$dbcfg{'user'}/g;			
			$vhost =~ s/%db_pass%/$dbcfg{'pass'}/g;							
			# push vhosts to apache
			$srv->add_config([split /\n/, $vhost]);			
			# debugging
			#print "----" . $name . "----\n";
			#print $vhost;

		# cleanup