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ApacheCon North America 2011 Meetups

Meetups will be held Tuesday through Thursday evenings at ApacheCon NA 2011, this 7-11 November in Vancouver. Meetups are onsite, and are free to all - conference registration is not required to attend, and we hope to get plenty of local attendees too!

Request Your Own Meetup!

We're looking to our PMCs and project communities to come up with ideas for Meetups at ApacheCon! Please add your Meetup Proposal below, and email the ApacheCon planners at planners-2011-na@apachecon.com with your Meetup idea. The best way to get a Meetup going is to create your own wiki page (linked from here) with a detailed overview, proposed starting agenda, and signup sheet, and then promote that within your user community to gauge interest.

BarCamp Apache groups welcome - please check below to see if we still have space available for any follow-on Meetups you might want to schedule!

Meetup Proposals - Add your proposal here!

Meetup Title/Link


Brief Description

Interested People Counter

Name and Link to details page

Your Name / email

Include a BRIEF description of subject

Add one if you're interested in this!

Apache Incubator Bigtop

Roman Shaposhnik rvs@apache.org

Building robust distributions of Hadoop stacks by packaging and validation


Apache OpenOffice.org (Tue)

Don Harbison, dpharbison@apache.org

Gathering proposals for short talks; e.g. General, Dev, Fora, Documentation, QA, Marketing


Apache Chemistry / CMIS (Thu)

Florian Muller

Discussing Apache Chemistry, how to use it, what we might do in future, and how we can integrate Chemistry into OpenOffice


Apache MINA

Julien Vermillard

MINA rewrite for 3.0 : wish, feature to drop, thread model


Apache Hadoop (Thu)

Owen O'Malley



Apache Axis2 (Wed)

Sagara Gunathunga sagara@apache.org

Road Map for Axis2 2.0 and current status of Axis2 integration with other Projects ( Synapse, Geronimo, Tuscany, Airavata etc)


Apache Rave (Incubating) (Wed)

Sander van der Waal

Discuss developments for Rave and links with Wookie and other projects such as Rave in Context


Apache Lucene/Solr (Wed)

Erik Hatcher



Apache Cassandra (Thu)

Eric Evans



Apache Traffic Server

Leif Hedstrom / zwoop @ a.o

For anyone interested in the current state, and future, of ATS


Apache Branding and Trademarks (Wed)

Shane Curcuru / curcuru@ a.o

Discussions about what trademarks mean for projects, and ideas for better branding of Apache and our projects


Apache Tomcat (Thu)

Jean-Frederic / jfclere@gmail.com

current state and future of the Tomcat project


Apache Kafka

Neha Narkhede / neha.narkhede@gmail.com

For anyone interested in using Kafka, current state of the project, future directions and contribution


Apache Callback (Incubator) (Wed)

Jukka Zitting



Apache HTTP Server (Thu)

Eric Covener



Officially Scheduled Meetups

The best place to see the official schedule is on the main ApacheCon schedule!

Note: Room assignments are subject to change, and will be clearly published at the conference site. The below grid is for planning use.

All MeetUps will take place in the Bayshore Grand Ballroom


Salon A

Salon C

Salon E

Salon F

Salon B


Apache OpenOffice.org






Apache Rave (Incubating)

Apache Lucene/Solr

Apache Axis2


Apache Callback


Apache Hadoop

Apache Cassandra

Apache Tomcat

Apache Chemistry


Offsite Meetups

If you are hosting an Apache-related Meetup during the week of ApacheCon NA 2011 between 5th and the 12th November, please feel free to add the name, brief description, and a link to your Meetup page here. We would suggest that most Meetups try to occur during the 5 days of the Conference, but events on the weekends before and after can work too!

What is a Meetup?

Read our detailed description of ApacheMeetups - they're similar to other Meetups, but focused on Apache projects or technologies - and they're often held in the evenings onsite at ApacheCon!

Other options for discussions and coding

As well as the evening Meetups, there are a few other ways for projects to get involved, code, discuss and share.

If you're planning to do an open Hackathon at any point (i.e. one open to people who are not currently committers), please email the ApacheCon planners at planners-2011-na@apachecon.com to let us know. We can help advertise this, get a sign made up to direct people etc. Projects are encouraged to do this on the Monday, and it's a great way to draw in fresh blood to the project!

Available Rooms

We have rooms available for meetups on the Lobby and 2nd Floors. To see the space available, and floor plans with size details, review:

The following rooms may be available:

The following rooms are in use at ApacheCon, but are not currently available for Meetups. If you really need an extra room on one night, contact planners-2011-na@apachecon.com to discuss your needs