Lift Sharing to/from the Apache Retreat 2011

Parking at the hostel is VERY limited. If you don't need to drive, please don't! Lifts will be available from Bray DART Station as needed. If you do drive, please give lifts!

Event Details

Signup Site

Hostel Site

Hostel Address

Knockree Youth Hostel, Lacken House, Knockree, Near Enniskerry, Co Wicklow

Driving Directions

Google OIGE

Lifts from Bray (Nearest DART)

We're going to be providing lifts from the Bray BART station to/from the hostel. The main times for this will be Friday afternoon/evening, Saturday morning + evening (for day barcampers + late arrivals), Sunday evening and Monday morning.

If you're going to be after a lift, please fill in the details below, so we know roughly when to send cars to pick people up. We'd suggest that you ring (number to follow nearer the time) when you're about 30 minutes out, so we can co-ordinate the lift.

For the return journey, we'll have a paper signup site at the hostel.


Approx arrival time + day at Bray

Apache ID / email

John "The Example" Smith

Friday 5pm

Lift sharing offered

Are you going to be driving from the airport or ferry terminal? If so, please list your details here so that you can offer people lifts!


From Where

Date+Approx Time

Giving a lift to

Spare Spaces

Nick Burch

Dun Laogh Ferry Port

Friday, 12pm



Zoe Slattery


Friday, ??



Lift sharing requested

Are you after a lift from the airport or ferry? List your details here if so. Once you find something suitable in the offered column, move yourself up there. If you can't find a suitable lift, then catch the DART to Bray, and we'll ferry you from there. (Details on the site above)


From Where

Date+Approx Time

Apache ID / email

Florian Müller


Friday, 2pm