Beehive has at least one feature that depends whether the system is running in development or production mode. In general, developers run their systems with assertions enabled and production leaves assertions off, so Beehive makes a similar assumption. If you would like to override that assumption, like to leave assertions off but still be in 'dev mode', you may use a system property called beehive.productionmode.

Note: until is resolved, you should substitute beehive.produtionmode in the commands below.

export JAVA_OPTS=-ea Using this setting for Tomcat, then Beehive would be running in development mode. If you have <netui:exceptions showDevModeStackTrace="true"/> in one of your pages and an exception occurs, then you will see the stack trace.

export JAVA_OPTS= In Tomcat, this leaves assertions disabled and results in Beehive assuming production mode. If you have <netui:exceptions showDevModeStackTrace="true"/> in a page and an exception occurs, you won't see the stack trace.

export JAVA_OPTS="-ea -Dbeehive.productionmode=true" This is a case where the assumption made by Beehive is overriden: assertions are enabled, but Beehive will run in production mode. If you have <netui:exceptions showDevModeStackTrace="true"/> in a page and an exception occurs, you won't see the stack trace.