This is how I got cocoon 2.1 installed on top of tomcat 4.1 (on windows):

  1. unzip cocoon 2.1
  2. from the unzipped directory: "build clean webapp"
  3. install tomcat (i used the .exe installer)
  4. stop tomcat if it is running
  5. move the webapp directory in your cocoon-2.1/build directory to "C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Tomcat 4.1\webapps" (you don't want to copy this, trust me), and rename the webapp directory to "cocoon".
  6. start tomcat and point browser to ""
  7. click on "Tomcat Manager" and enter your login and password provided during the tomcat install
  8. you should see the "cocoon" directory listed - click on the "start" url next to it (it takes some time here for the browser to come back with a reply page)
  9. click on the cocoon url itself, and you should be getting to the cocoon page

Instead of copying the webapp directory you can just build a WAR by using "build war" and move this WAR into Tomcat's webapps directory.