Note: the following is a rough outline, is not fully tested and may, in fact, be completely incorrect. YMMV

There are a number of steps required for adding a new Widget to CocoonForms:

  1. Create the Java classes for the Widget.
  2. Update the forms-form.xconf file.
  3. Update the XSL which processes the widgets.
  4. Rebuild Cocoon.

These steps are described in more detail below.

Create the Java classes for the Widget

You'll need to create at least three classes to implement the Widget:

  1. an implementation of the Widget interface;
  2. an implementation of the WidgetDefinition interface; and
  3. an implementation of the WidgetDefinitionBuilder interface.

The above interfaces all come from the org.apache.cocoon.forms.formmodel package. The existing Cocoon Forms source code provides plenty of examples of how to implement them.

The WidgetDefinitionBuilder parses the form definition document to create a WidgetDefinition. The WidgetDefinition is an immutable class that is used as a factory to create Widget instances. Widget instances are what constitute the form's object model that hold the form state.

Update the forms-form.xconf file

Add a reference to your WidgetDefinitionBuilder implementation in the forms-form.xconf file, which can be found in the conf directory for the forms block. You have to specify the name of the element for that widget as well. This name should preferably match the string returned from the getXMLElementName() method of your Widget implementation.

Update the XSL which processes the widgets

You'll probably need to update the XSL file(s) which process the widgets. If you are using the samples that come as part of the forms block, this will most likely be forms-field-styling.xsl (which is found in the COCOON_HOME/src/blocks/forms/samples/resources directory). You will need to add a template which matches the element name of your new widget and generates appropriate output from it. The file contains plenty of templates to use as examples.

Rebuild Cocoon

After all this, you'll need to rebuild cocoon. This will cause the new classes to be compiled, the updated classes to be recompiled and the cocoon.xconf file to be regenerated. It may be a good idea to do a build clean first, but that's up to you.

For very specific widgets

In some rare cases, you may also need to modify the WidgetReplacingPipe. This is needed only for widgets that require a special handling by the template engine, such as repeater, class or union.

Modify the EffectWidgetReplacingPipe class

Not sure whether this is actually necessary...

Modify the WidgetReplacingPipe class

You may need to make some changes to the WidgetReplacingPipe class, from the org.apache.cocoon.forms.transformation package. This will probably only be necessary if a tag other than <widget> is used to refer to the widget in form template files. Examples of this are the repeater and aggregate widgets.

If you do need to make these changes, the methods most likely to be affected are startElement and endElement.