The main document is Performance Tips in the core documentation. Be sure to read and understand the comments in cocoon.xconf and associated component documentation.

See also: Lenya Performance.

See also: CocoonPerformanceResults for results/graphs of one stress testing exercise.

Please add other performance and tuning hints here. They will be merged into the main document:

Additional notes: When setting JDK memory remember that JVMs on most systems can only use upto 1800Meg (see I think sun systems can handle upto 4 gig, I'm not sure about all the 64 bit systems that are cropping up.

Another important change to configuration in the cocoon.xconf. It is related to use-persistent-cache:

<transient-store logger="">
   <parameter name="maxobjects" value="1000"/>
   <parameter name="use-persistent-cache" value="false"/>