And StepByStep tutorial explaining how to setup a netbeans 4.0 project with lenya.

First of all excuse me for my English....

Last month I have been working in lenya with netbeans 4.0 and I managed to create a project to work with lenya in this IDE. Here I put the steps I follow to configure the IDE:

  1. Download the latest stable source distribution (1.2.3 when I wrote this page)  2. Follow the steps provided by lenya to compile. You obtain a build folder. \[BR\] 3. Netbeans doesn't allow you to create a project without a web.xml file in WEB-INF folder. Lenya doens't provides you a web.xml
       file in src/webapp/WBE-INF folder. You can use the build/lenya/webapp/WEB_INF/build.xml file to cheat lenya. 4. Create a web project with existing sources using new project wizard. 5. Choose folder \{LENYA_HOME\}/src/java in src files and \{LENYA_HOME\} in project folder. 6. When you accept, netbeans tells us that this project have an existing build.xml. Netbeans creates a new nbbuild.xml file... 7. Choose \{LENYA_HOME\}/src/webapp folder in web pages location. 8. Choose \{LENYA_HOME\}/lib folder in libslocation.  9. Creating the project sometimes netbeans hangs up. We can cancel an fortunately the project is created

/****** Changes in NBBUILD.XML *******************************/

Note: Be careful with ant project name (affects variable To avoid problems (like not being able to deploy the project), use context path name (for instance lenya) like ant project name.

10. Now we copy all ant import from build.xml file to nbbuild.xml.
11. Now we add our custom targets. For instance:
<!-- OUR TARGETS -->
<import file="src/targets/our_targets_file.xml" />
12. Now we "patch" some lenya targets to adapt it to our requirements:

<!-- netbeans takes care of this...
<condition property="servlet.engine.wls">
<equals arg1="${}" arg2="WLS"/>
<antcall target="install-wls"/>
<antcall target="successfully-built-message-wls"/>

<condition property="servlet.engine.tomcat">
<equals arg1="${}" arg2="Tomcat"/>
<antcall target="install-tomcat"/>
<antcall target="successfully-built-message-tomcat"/>

<condition property="servlet.engine.jetty">
<equals arg1="${}" arg2="Jetty"/>
<antcall target="successfully-built-message-jetty"/>

13. Now we add source libraries needed to compile in properties project. We can obtain them from Coocon folder or lenya itself:

14. Now we overwrite the following netbeans ant targets in nbbuild.xml file:

<target name="-pre-compile" depends="prepare-src"/>

<target name="-pre-init" depends="init-lenya"/>

<target name="-post-init" depends="sincronizar_build_con_src"/>

<target name="-post-clean" depends="clean-lenya"/>

15. Add the following ant targets to nbbuild.xml our our custom targets file (you choose!) You can find Kupu at file in src/targets folder)

<target name="kupu" description="Build Kupu">


<target name="clean_tomcat_work_folder">
<delete dir="/home/sergi.tur/.netbeans/4.0/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.28_base/work/Catalina/localhost/lenya"/>

16. Customize filke {LENYA_HOME}/ to our specific paths requirements (cocoon.src.dir,etc).
17. Modife the following ant properties in file {LENYA_HOME}/nbproject/
-build.dir=build/ a build.dir=build/lenya
-build.web.dir=${build.dir}/web a build.web.dir=${build.dir}/webapp

Here you can find the same steps in my native language (spanish):

  1. Bajarse los fuentes de la última versión estable (1.2.3 al escribir este doc) 2. Compilar las fuentes según los pasos indicados en lenya. Se obtiene una carpeta build. 3. Netbeans no permite crear un proyecto web sin fichero web.xml en la carpeta WEB-INF.
    Como las fuentes no tiene este fichero copiaremos el fichero web.xml de la carpeta build a
    src/webapp/WEB-INF. 4. Crear un nuevo projecto de netbeans tipo: Web project with existing sources. 5. Escoger los ficheros fuente (carpeta {LENYA_HOME}src/java) y la carpeta del proyecto ({LENYA_HOME}).
    Nombrar el proyecto. 6. Al aceptar no indicará que ya existe un fichero build para este proyecto y que creara uno con el nombre nbbuild.xml.
    Aceptamos. 7. Elegimos como localización de los ficheros web (web pages location) la carpeta {LENYA_HOME}/src/webapp. 8. Elegimos como localización de las librerias la carpeta {LENYA_HOME}/lib. 9. A veces da un error y se queda colgado al crear el proyecto.Sin embargo si cerramos la ventana de dialogo podremos abri el proyecto recien creado desde el punto de menu nuevo proyecto.

/****** RETOCAR EL FICHERO NBBUILD.XML *******************************/

Nota: Ojo con el nombre del projecto ant que afecta a la variable Este debe ser igual al nombre del contexto que que estemos utilizando en las propiedades del projecto.

10. En el fichero nbbuild.xml copiamos todos los imports del fichero build.xml original (se important todos los ficheros de projecto de la carpeta src/targets)
11. Añadimos un linea como esta:
<import file="src/targets/tu_fichero_de_targets.xml" />
12. Hay que hacer unos pequeños cambios en los ficheros target del lenya para adaptarlo a netbeans:

<condition property="servlet.engine.wls">
<equals arg1="${}" arg2="WLS"/>
<antcall target="install-wls"/>
<antcall target="successfully-built-message-wls"/>

<condition property="servlet.engine.tomcat">
<equals arg1="${}" arg2="Tomcat"/>
<antcall target="install-tomcat"/>
<antcall target="successfully-built-message-tomcat"/>

<condition property="servlet.engine.jetty">
<equals arg1="${}" arg2="Jetty"/>
<antcall target="successfully-built-message-jetty"/>

Cambiar el target clean por clean-lenya.

13. Para compilar necesitaremos añadir algunas librerias extras que no estan en la carpeta lib (son de cocoon):

14. Hay que sobrescribir los targets de netbeans siguientes:

<target name="-pre-compile" depends="prepare-src"/>

<target name="-pre-init" depends="init-lenya"/>

<target name="-post-init" depends="sincronizar_build_con_src"/>

<target name="-post-clean" depends="clean-lenya"/>

15. Añadir los siguientes targets (el de kupu se copia del fichero de src/targets)

<target name="kupu" description="Build Kupu">


<target name="clean_tomcat_work_folder">
<delete dir="/home/sergi.tur/.netbeans/4.0/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.28_base/work/Catalina/localhost/lenya"/>

16. Repasar el fichero {LENYA_HOME}/ para ver si los paths son correctos (cocoo.src.dir,etc).
17. Modificar en el fichero {LENYA_HOME}/nbproject/
-build.dir=build/ a build.dir=build/lenya
-build.web.dir=${build.dir}/web a build.web.dir=${build.dir}/webapp