During the sucessful developer and user meeting in Zürich there was the idea to have a second meeting this year at the Albert Ludwig University Medical Center Freiburg http://www.uniklinik-freiburg.de.

Date: Monday, Oktober 29 to Wednesday, Oktober 31 2007

Time: The meeting will start at Monday 10:15 UTC+01:00

Location of the meeting and hotel information.

Sorry, no video coverage available. The camera we have here does not play well with Linux, swapping kernels and IEEE1394 libs didn't help. We'll gather the presentation slides on this page, and you can join #lenya at irc.freenode.net if you feel chatty.

Current List of Participants

Sign up here if you can make it to Freiburg:

This is an early draft. Feel free to add other topics of interests here:

Topic Suggestions


Talks / Presentations (Tuesday)


  <h1>Welcome to FOO.com</h1>

  <p><del>Hideho, folks, w</del><ins>W</ins>elcome to the new web site of FOO.com.</p>
  <p>We are <del>like totally kinda wetting our pants with joy now you've come to visit us.</del><ins> happy to see you are taking some of your valuable time to evaluate our offerings.</ins></p>

/* authoring stylesheet: */
 del,ins {color:red;}
 del {text-decoration:line-through;}
 ins {font-style: italic;}
/* live stylesheet */
 del {display:none;}
 ins { };

ATM, documents in review state cannot be edited. We need another usecase "comment" with limited editing capabilities (only add ins, del and plaintext nodes) and necessary transitions...