trang is a convertion-tool for schema-files. It can create RNG / XSD/ DTD from a XML-data-file, and it can convert from Relax NG or DTD to XML Schema.


For full manual see

After 5 years there's an update available! version 20081028


The WYSIWYG-editor Bitflux is validing the input using the Relax NG definition.

Example to convert news.xsd to news.rng - that's not possible

Example to create news.rng from samples/news.xml

 # path for lenya 1.2
 cd pubs/PUBLICATION/LANGUAGE/config/doctypes/

 # path for lenya 2.0
 cd MODULENAME/resources/

 trang -I xml -O rng samples/news.xml schemas/news.rng

Full syntax

 trang [-I rng|rnc|dtd|xml] [-O rng|rnc|dtd|xsd] [-i input-param] [-o output-param] inputFileOrUri ... outputFile


Ubuntu Linux: download the zip from the authors website, because the trang-version what is in the Ubuntu-repository does not work (tested from 7.10 to 8.04LTS)


I tested trang for Lenya 1.2 - works properly. --DanielBruessler

Question: Wouldn't it be cool to put trang into the tools/bin/ - folder of a lenya-bin-package?