Rave JavaScript API

Rave Core JS

File: rave_ajax.js

namespace: rave.ajax

dependencies: jQuery


Wraps jQuery's $.ajax function, isolating rave core's dependency on jQuery to this one file. Any implementer who wishes to use another ajax library will overlay rave_ajax.js, and wrap their ajax library of choice so that it maches the api of $.ajax.

File: rave_api

namespace: rave.api

dependencies: rave.ajax


Defines functions to access rave's rest & rpc apis. This file manages all ajax interaction with the server. It should depend only on the rave.ajax namespace. It should provide callbacks for any interaction that needs them, and should have know knowledge of further results(i.e. if errors should be displayed to a user on a failed call, it is on the calling library to implement - no ui or core interaction should be invoked from rave_api. Besides factoring out dependencies there have been no major changes to the rave.api spec.

File: rave_core.js

namespace: rave

dependencies: rave.api, rave.RegionWidget


Defines rave's core functionality. Manages registration of widgets, widget providers, views (agnostic).

rave.registerProvider(name, provider)


rave.registerWidget(\[regionId\], definition) 


-regionWidgetId String

-returns rave.RegionWidget instance


-returns Array of rave.RegionWidget instances for the registered widgets


rave.registerView(name, view)


rave.renderView(name, \[args...\]) 

If the registered view is a constructor function, first instantiates a new instances of the view. Then invokes the render function of the view, passing it any remaining arguments.


rave.destroyView(_uid, \[args…\]) 

invokes the destory() method on the view object, passing it any remaining arguments.


registers a function that will be invoked after rave.init() has been called. onInit handlers will be called in the order they were registered


function to be called once all rave resources and extensions are loaded. Kicks off initializing of providers, widget objects, and any registered onInit handlers


utility function wrapping console.log that can safely be called without throwing an error in any browser environment.


Instantiates (if needed) and returns an OpenAjax.hub.ManagedHub instance

File: rave_widget

namespace: rave.RegionWidget

dependencies: rave.api


Defines rave.RegionWidget as an abstract class that provides a common interface & functionality for any registered rave widget.

rave.RegionWidget(definition) constructor for abstract RegionWidget objects. All attributes from the definition are placed on the instance.

Ex: var widget = new rave.RegionWidget({type: 'opensocial', name: 'myWidget'};

widget.name == 'myWidget' //true

In general you will not call this constructor directly - instead you will use rave.registerWidget() to create new RegionWidgets and use rave.getWidget() / rave.getWidgets() to access the RegionWidget instances.


convenience function to extend or override RegionWidget's prototype, allowing implementers to add custom functionality.


property that dictates the default view widgets will be rendered into


property that dictates the default width of a rendered widget iframe


property that dictates the default height of a rendered widget iframe

rave.RegionWidget.prototype.render(el, opts)

Renders a region widget instance into a dom element. Invokes the widget providers renderWidget method.

String if a string is provided as the element, rave will look for a registered view by that string. It will render that view and inject the widget into the dom element returned by the view's getWidgetSite() method

rave.RegionWidget.renderError(el, error)

This method should be invoked by widget providers if there is an error in rendering the widget.

rave.RegionWidget.prototype.close(el, opts)

Closes the region widget and removes the region widget from the page (persisted back to rave). If the widget was rendered within a view, destroys that view. Invokes the widget providers closeWidget function.


Changes the widget's collapsed state and persists to the rave api. Does not take any ui actions - it is on the implementer to bind ui interactions and use this method to persist show / hide state.


Changes the widget's collapsed state and persists to the rave api. Does not take any ui actions - it is on the implementer to bind ui interactions and use this method to persist show / hide state.

rave.RegionWidget.prototype.moveToPage(toPageId, \[cb\]) 

Changes the widget's pageId and and persists to the rave api. Does not take any ui actions - it is on the implementer to bind ui interactions and use this method to persist widget location state.

rave.RegionWidget.prototype.moveToRegion(fromRegionId, toRegionId, toIndex)

Changes the widget's region and index and and persists to the rave api. Does not take any ui actions - it is on the implementer to bind ui interactions and use this method to persist widget location state.

-fromRegionId String or Int id of regionId the widget is being moved from

-toRegionId String or Int id of regionId the widget is being moved to

-toIndex String or Int id of index within the region the widget is being moved to


Overwrites the widget's userPrefs object and persists to the rave api. Does not take any ui actions - it is on the implementer to bind ui interactions and use this method to persist user prefs state.

File: rave_opensocial, rave_wookie

namespace: n/a

dependencies: rave, opensocial & wookie implementations, respectively


These files provide implementations of the abstract rave.RegionWidget interface for open social and wookie widgets. They do not attach anything to the rave namspace, but call rave.registerProvider directly.

Specifications -

Rave Provider

The object handed to rave.registerProvider must conform to the following specification or there will be errors

usage: rave.registerProvider('providerName', provider);



Should run any setup needed to implement the provider. This method is invoked by rave.init() and will run before any rave.RegionWidget instances are instantiated.


Should do any work to preload caches or prepare for widget. This method does NOT render the widget, but does any work that can happen early.

-widgetDefinition Object rave.RegionWidget instance.

provider.renderWidget(widget, el, \[opts\]) 

Provider-specific implementation needed to render a widget into a dom element

provider.closeWidget(widget, \[opts\]) 

Provider-specific implementation needed to close a widget

provider.setDefaultGadgetSize(width, height)

Provider specific implementation needed to set default size of widget


Provider specific implementation for setting the default view a widget should be rendered into

Rave View

The argument handed to rave.registerView. Rave is completely agnostic of any dependencies, libraries, mv* frameworks, etc. It simply expects the view to be either…

an object that implements the following methods, or…

a constructor function that instatiates objects which implement the following methods

usage: rave.registerView('myView', {render: function(){...}, getWidgetSite: function(){...}, destroy: function(){...});



Renders the view into the ui. Can take any number & type of arguments, which are simply passed from rave.renderView

-returns Object the render function MUST return itself (i.e. return this(wink)


OPTIONAL. This method is required only if it will ever be used for rendering a widget. Meaning either a call from widget.render('viewName'), or if it will be exposed to opensocial open views spec.


Performs any teardown necessary to unrender the view. Can take any number & type of arguments, which are simply passed from rave.destoryView().