HDT Getting Started

Step by step for the things you'll need for doing HDT development work


You'll need Eclipse, we recommend Juno. We recommend the RCP/RAP developers package, this has the core Eclipse PDE tools and also EGit and Mylyn which are really useful. Go here to get your copy.


The HDT uses a git repository, which anyone is free to checkout

Use File > Import > Git > Projects from Git, use the URI option with https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator-hdt.git, and choose to import all existing projects. Once complete you will have all of the plugins in your workspace.


Thanks to Atlassian, we have space with FishEye for the HDT, go to https://fisheye6.atlassian.com/browse/HDT to join up.

Running development plugins

This is done in the usual Eclipse way. So you create an Eclipse application run configuration (Run > Run configurations), make sure that the workspace plugins are included in the launch (by default they are), and choose Run. This will launch a second Eclipse including everything you have installed along with the HDT plugins.


If you find a defect, or want to request a feature, our defects are tracked via Jira here: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HDT

Patches are welcome, and please consider joining the project team as a contributor.