
AUTH - javax.security.auth, javax.security.auth.callback, javax.security.auth.kerberos, javax.security.auth.login, javax.security.auth.spi, javax.security.auth.x500, javax.security.sasl and org.ietf.jgss.


Check the component_development_status page for the status of other ClassLibrary modules.

Component is temporarily included into SECURITY module.

J2SE 1.4.2

The current codes cover J2SE 1.4.2 API

Java 5.0

Current code is mostly compliant with J2SE 1.5 specification. It should be updated to reflect new Java 5.0 enhancements (e.g. generics, enums) when harmony has a 1.5 compatible VM

Below are some details about what's available, missing and in progress

Public API

This component contains implementation of public API, internal code and unit tests. Most of public 1.5 classes are implemented and tested.Public API for javax.security.auth.kerberos package includes only stub implementation.

The code contains a number of TODO's such as:

Login Modules

There are only two NT and UNIX login modules provided as examples.

SASL Providers

There is no SASL providers implemented in Harmony.


The default GSSManager and Kerberos V5 mechanism implementations are not provided.