ASF Project Roles

[SpamAssassin], as an Apache top-level project, follows the Apache development model which \[ defines the various roles\] in the project:

SpamAssassin specifics

The SpamAssassin PMC, like most other PMCs, is responsible for:

In addition, there are some actions that are purely development-related, so they do not fall under the PMC mantle. Of course, people who happen to be on the PMC tend to do these, but committers could as well. Then again, a committer who was this active and responsible for the project would frequently end up being a PMC member.


Developers and contributors who contribute too much good code and not enough bad code usually become committers.

Committers with a long history of significant involvement in the advancement of the project and project development (ideally in more than one way), a strong ability to work with others in the ASF way, and who are not jerkwads are generally nominated to be on the PMC. After the PMC has voted to add a new PMC member, the ASF board has to approve new PMC members.

There are no hard criteria for either of these roles: not lines of code nor number of patches. If you're interested, you can always send a message to the PMC to ask where you are on the radar.

Current roles

See the \[ CREDITS page\].