Building SpamAssassin 2.63 on ActivePerl

In order to do this, you essentially need to modify Makefile.PL, moving some code from the postamble to the constants section. The \[ modified file\] is posted in \[ bug 2955\].

Here's how to do it yourself:

  1. Find the subroutine MY::constants. Just before the clean_MY_globals call, add the following code:
      push(@code, "PREPROCESS    = \$(PERL) build/preprocessor");
      $repository = uc($SELF->{INSTALLDIRS}) || 'SITE';
      foreach my $macro (qw(PREFIX SYSCONFDIR)) {
        push(@code, macro_def('I_' . $macro,
                        macro_ref($repository . $macro)));

    2. In the following section (MY::postamble). Comment out (or remove the following):
      foreach my $macro (qw(PREFIX SYSCONFDIR)) {
        push(@code, macro_def('I_' . $macro,
                        macro_ref($repository . $macro)));

    3. Also remove the following line:
    PREPROCESS    = $(PERL) build/preprocessor

By: BretMiller