
I built this set of programs since I run jmeter almost always in non-interactive mode and the measures computed by jmeter itself were insufficient for my tests.



Perl package containing the core class definition and algorithms for metrics computation

A perl wrapper for Gnuplot to automatically generate a gnuplot script from a perl hash.

A server program that invokes two threads: one that reads jmeter.log and computes all kinds of metrics; another that is listening to a socket and when a client attempts to read from the socket, spews out an XML containing the results.

A client program that reads XML containing measures from one or more servers, aggregates them, dynamically generates a gnuplot script, and runs gnuplot to generate charts.


Make sure you install all dependencies. I run jmeter on linux machines – so this package may not be platform independent. But its all written in perl, so porting to other OS's should be easy once you know perl.

There are some additional monitoring programs that I invoke as part of They should be commented out. Read the source code before using it.

On the host that is going to run jmeter:

  1. cd <dir in which jmeter.log will be written>
  2. rm jmeter.log; touch jmeter.log
  3. tail -100f jmeter.log | perl /path/to/

On the client that is going to aggregate and visualize charts (i strongly recommend this is a different machine)
1.#4 cd </path/to/results/directory>

  1. mkdir -p <test_name>/figs
  2. cd <test_name>
  3. perl /path/to/

There will be some files generated in the dir:

Once again, make sure you read the source in all files before using. The program will not compile until you install all the dependencies and may have runtime failures too; but they should be easy to fix if you know a little perl or any other language.