Author: Xavier Lawrence

I tried to "portletize" the simple struts-blank (struts-blank) example that comes with Struts. To do so, I took the struts-config.xml file of the example and modified it use the struts portal bridge of Jetspeed (see the Struts Portlet MailReader Demo for more information).

I also changed the web.xml file getting all the inspiration from the Struts Portlet MailReader Demo web.xml file.

After correctly deploying the application onto Jetspeed, and creating a proper psml page for my custom portlet, Tomcat started to print out some ClassCast'*_Exceptions when I was trying to access the portlet:

at org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesRequest'Processor.initDefinitionsMapping(TilesRequest'

After searching a bit to find out if other users had encountered the same problem, I found someone who had solved the problem. The solution was simply not to use the struts-config.xml file as a starter for a custom application (Don't ask me why...). So actually, I simply took another struts-config.xml file and customized it and it worked fine.