/!\ Under Construction (!)

(warning) This page comprises guidelines and HOW-TO's for performing a release, it does not take precedence over any official Portals PMC policies (warning)

Prerequisites for creating a release

  1. Express intention on

2. Close current Jira release

3. Open the next Jira release

4. License header check

5. Update the Pluto README

6. Update the Pluto site module (pluto-site), including the download link on the home page (index.xml) and release notes (release-notes.xml).

Steps to preparing a build for a release vote

  1. Use the Maven Release Plugin to prepare and perform the release:
mvn release:prepare
mvn release:perform

2. Build the distribution files

cd target/checkout/
ant -f dist-build.xml

3. Sign the distribution files

cd target/dist/
for file in * ; do gpg -a -b $file ; done

4. Go to https://repository.apache.org and close the staging repository

5. scp the distribution files to people.apache.org:/www/people.apache.org/builds/portals-pluto/

scp ../../../*.zip* *.zip* *.gz* people.apache.org:/www/people.apache.org/builds/portals-pluto/

6. Call a vote for the release on

Reference / See Also

Steps to publishing the release after a successful vote

  1. Release the Maven artifacts. Go to https://repository.apache.org and release the closed staging repository.

2. Move the distributions to the production directories. On people.apache.org

mv /www/people.apache.org/builds/portals-pluto/pluto-2.1.0-M1-* /www/www.apache.org/dist/portals/pluto/

Deploy website

(warning) TODO

Announce Release

Send release announcement to:

Also consider submitting announcements to The Server Side and Info Q