Submit on Event

This tomahawk sandbox component allows you trigger a form submit on specific events.


    callback="user_defined_javascript_function" />

The signature for the callback function is

function user_defined_javascript_function(event, srcComponentId, clickComponentId)

The component can work in three different modes:

  1. as child of an input component (inputText, ...)
  2. as child of commandLink or commandButton
  3. as a "standalone" component somewhere on the page

as child of an input component (inputText, ...)

In this mode the argument for is mandatory. The component will only listen to events of the parent component. This allows you to trigger different actions depending on the source component.


Trigger "on enter"

    <h:commandButton id="submitButton" value="submit button" action="#{.....buttonAction}"/>

    <h:inputText id="text1" value="....">
        <s:submitOnEvent for="submitButton" />

Trigger "on change"

    <h:commandButton id="submitButton" value="submit button" action="#{.....buttonAction}"/>

    <h:selectOneMenu id="text3" value="....">
        <f:selectItem itemLabel="selection1" itemValue="selection1" />
        <f:selectItem itemLabel="selection2" itemValue="selection2" />
        <f:selectItem itemLabel="selection3" itemValue="selection3" />
        <f:selectItem itemLabel="selection4" itemValue="selection4" />
        <s:submitOnEvent for="submitButton" event="change" />

Trigger "on user defined"

function mySpecialUserCallback(event, srcComponentId, clickComponentId)
    var keycode;
    if (event.keyCode)
        keycode = event.keyCode;
    else if (event)
        keycode = event.which;

    return (keycode == 97 || keycode == 65);

    <h:commandButton id="submitButton" value="submit button" action="#{.....buttonAction}"/>

    <h:inputText id="text5" value="#{submitOnEvent.strings.text5}">
        <s:submitOnEvent for="submitLink" callback="mySpecialUserCallback"/>

as child of commandLink or commandButton

In this mode the argument for has no meaning. The component will trigger the parent link or button by listening to the global event loop. This mode is meant to define a page wide "default action".


    <h:commandLink id="submitLink" value="submit link" action="#{.....linkAction}">

as a "standalone" component somewhere on the page

In this mode the argument for is mandatory. The component will listen to the global event loop and trigger the button pointed to with for. Notice: The difference to "mode 2" is, that the for argument can be a value binding, so you can trigger different actions depending on the page state.


    <h:commandLink id="submitLink" value="submit link" action="#{.....linkAction}"/>

    <s:submitOnEvent for="submitLink" />