NOTE: This is outdated information that applies only to Tapestry 4.

How to inject an Application State Object (ASO) into a Tapestry service

Instead of injecting an ASO directly into a Tapestry service, we need to inject an Application{{`State}}Manager and use the ApplicationState`Manager to retrieve the desired ASO. Suppose you would like to inject the ASO message into the service asoService. The following piece of hivemodule.xml shows how it could be done.


 <contribution configuration-id="tapestry.state.ApplicationObjects">
   <state-object name="message" scope="application">
   <create-instance class="man.aso.HelloMessage"/>

       <!-- Inject ApplicationStateManger into service asoSerive -->
<service-point id="asoService" interface="org.apache.tapestry.engine.IEngineService">
      <construct class="service.ASOService">
        <set-object property="exceptionReporter" value="infrastructure:requestExceptionReporter"/>
        <set-object property="response" value="infrastructure:response"/>
        <set-object property="linkFactory" value="infrastructure:linkFactory"/>	
     <set-service property="appStateManager" 

In the .jave file of the Tapestry service asoService, add the setter/getter method for property app{{`State}}`Manager :

 private ApplicationStateManager appStateManager;
      public ApplicationStateManager getAppStateManager() {
		return appStateManager;

	public void setAppStateManager(ApplicationStateManager appStateManager) {
		this.appStateManager = appStateManager;

To access the ASO message in the asoService :

 HelloMessage message = (HelloMessage) getAppStateManager().get("message");