Steve Coco explains it clearly in his email on 8 June 2007 to the tapestry users mailing list how to build the T5 quickstart archetype with Maven 2.0.6. I just thought it would be useful for others too:

I used the Tapestry archetype to create the basic project – the exact command that's outlined here:

And then I changed the tapestry-release-version to 5.0.5-SNAPSHOT, AND I ADDED THE MAIN Maven snapshot repository to the list of repositories. That one is here:

           <name>Apache Snapshot Repository</name>

I seemed to see some artifacts move back and forth to different repositories, and adding this repository wound up allowing the build to complete. (Maven will clearly indicate if an artifact is missing.)

That's about it: it all works fine for me here with only this indicated setup.

You might try it without adding the above repository: it should be obvious if the build just indicates a missing artifact. Then add this and see what you get.

One other note is that at one point during several attempted builds, I found that my local repository had an entry for one of the T5 artifacts (I forget specifically which), but the folder actually only contained the XML files and no jars. I deleted the artifact folders from my local repository and re-built the project and they got downloaded intact. So if you create the archetype POM and then also add that repository, but still have problems, you might try removing all T5 artifacts from your local repository and re-building to see if this problem happened to you also.

I never did get to diagnose this issue further: it might have been due to an aborted build, or maybe I was building right at the instant the artifact was being added to the remote repository; and I suppose it also could have been because the actual source artifact in the remote repository was corrupt, but things are building and running without issue here now so I'm just forgetting about that.

As a side note: Removing a whole artifact should not cause any problems since Maven just finds that it's not there and then just downloads it.

But there's a Maven command-line switch intended to force an update of snapshots: running with "-U" will force a check for updated snapshots. You can add the -U to most commands, to force Maven to look for updates. Otherwise the default it to check once per day. You can see more by running "mvn --help".

You can also configure when Maven checks for updates in your settings descriptor or right in the project POM.xml. See "updatePolicy" in the documentation on the settings or POM descriptor:

If you are using Eclipse WTP for development, please read this: