in my applications many times i use pages with the grid component and i am too lazy (wink) to write in every page a setter and getter methode for grid's row parameter. so i help my self with the following classes and code segments...

the annotation ...

 * generates setter/getter for a grid bean.
 * @author <a href="">shomburg</a>
 * @version $Id: 41 2007-11-25 18:54:58Z shomburg $
public @interface GridRowBean

the worker, it adds the setter and getter for the grid bean.

 * add setter/getter methodes.
 * @author <a href="">shomburg</a>
 * @version $Id: 41 2007-11-25 18:54:58Z shomburg $
public class GridRowBeanWorker implements ComponentClassTransformWorker
     * Invoked to perform a transformation on an as-yet unloaded component class, represented by the
     * {@link} instance. In some cases, 
     * the worker may make changes to the
     * component model -- for example, a worker that deals with parameters may update the model to
     * reflect those parameters.
    public void transform(ClassTransformation transformation, MutableComponentModel model)
        List<String> names = transformation.findFieldsWithAnnotation(GridRowBean.class);

        if (names.isEmpty())

        for (String name : names)
            addGridRowBeanGetter(transformation, name);
            addGridRowBeanSetter(transformation, name);

    private void addGridRowBeanGetter(ClassTransformation transformation, String fieldName)
        String fieldType = transformation.getFieldType(fieldName);
        String methodName = "get" + StringUtils.capitalize(InternalUtils.stripMemberPrefix(fieldName));

        TransformMethodSignature sig = 
                       new TransformMethodSignature(Modifier.PUBLIC, fieldType, methodName, null, null);

        BodyBuilder builder = new BodyBuilder();
        builder.addln("return %s;", fieldName);

        transformation.addMethod(sig, builder.toString());

    private void addGridRowBeanSetter(ClassTransformation transformation, String fieldName)
        String fieldType = transformation.getFieldType(fieldName);
        String methodName = "set" + StringUtils.capitalize(InternalUtils.stripMemberPrefix(fieldName));

        TransformMethodSignature sig = 
                   new TransformMethodSignature(Modifier.PUBLIC, "void", 
                                 methodName, new String[]{fieldType}, null);

        BodyBuilder builder = new BodyBuilder();
        builder.addln("%s = $1;", fieldName);

        transformation.addMethod(sig, builder.toString());

... contribute the new worker to Tapestry's ComponentClassTransformWorker ...

     * Adds a number of standard component class transform workers:
     * <ul>
     * <li>GridRowBean -- generates setter/getter for a grid bean</li>
     * </ul>
    public static void contributeComponentClassTransformWorker(
                                OrderedConfiguration<ComponentClassTransformWorker> configuration)
        configuration.add("GridRowBean", new GridRowBeanWorker(), "after:Inject*");

... mark the bean _client with @GridRowBean annotation ...

    private Client _clientRow;

     * get the grid data from datasource.
     * @return grid data from datasource
    public GridDataSource getGridSource()
        ClientDAO entityDAO = (ClientDAO) getDefaultDAO(Client.class);
        return new HibernateDataSource(entityDAO, "FROM Client");

... tell the grid component wich property should use for the row parameter ...

    <table t:type="Grid" model="gridModel" source="gridSource" row="clientRow">

        <t:parameter name="recIdCell">
            <span t:type="core5/link/EditAction" context="clientRow.recId"/>

        <t:parameter name="addressCityCell">
