HttpComponents Component Web Site

Generate content

Run the following command to generate the site content locally. Please note this process requires a valid Clover2 license.

ASF committers can obtain a copy of Clover2 license donated to the ASF at this location

mvn docbkx:generate-pdf docbkx:generate-html javadoc:javadoc site -Dmaven.clover.licenseLocation=<full-path>/clover.license 

Review and adjust the content if necessary.

Deploy content

Deploy site content to

mvn site-deploy -Dmaven.clover.licenseLocation=<full-path>/clover.license 

Manual adjustments

Log to and navigate to the web content staging directory

cd /www/

Move component content to a directory with a unique name (usually containing the component version)

mv httpcomponents-core httpcomponents-core-4.1.1

Change the symbolic link for the actual DEV or GA release to point at the component directory.

rm httpcomponents-core-ga
ln -s httpcomponents-core-4.1.1 httpcomponents-core-ga 
rm httpcomponents-core-dev
ln -s httpcomponents-core-4.2-snapshot httpcomponents-core-dev 

Verify content

It may take several hours for the new content in the staging directory to get propagated to the productive web server. Verify that the site content is rendered correctly once it becomes available.