Here's some advanced information on what happens behind the scenes of different rule types.

Body rules: body RULENAME /foo/

Let's assume we have this message content, after any normal decoding of base64/quoted-printable and HTML to text rendering:

Subject: This is subject clause.\n
First clause of body.     Second clause in first paragraph.\n
Third clause in first paragraph.\n
First clause of second paragraph. Etc.\n

(Line breaks / newlines are shown as \n for extra clarity)

Body rules are processed in paragraphs (blocks of text separated by atleast two newlines), normalized into single lines.

These three strings (paragraphs turned into lines) will be individually tested against the body pattern /foo/, until a match is found.


This is subject clause.\n


First clause of body. Second clause in first paragraph. Third clause in first paragraph.\n


First clause of second paragraph. Etc.\n

Since the matching is separate, pattern like /first paragraph.*Etc/s won't work. You would need to split it into separate subrules:

Note that Subject header is considered a part of the body to simplify rule writing, it will always be the first string to be tested.

When using tflags multiple, process is exactly the same, all lines are searched for all matches (until maxhits=x, if defined):

When using rules with extended characters / diacritics, you should always use both ISO-8859-1 / UTF-8 encodings.
Body content can be different depending on normalize_charset setting. If matching "fügen", see these examples:

As body is processed in raw bytes, Unicode-regex features like \p{} can not currently be used.

Rawbody rules: rawbody RULENAME /foo/

Rawbody rules are processed similarly as body, but these are the main differences:

It's important to remember that chunks of text are again individually tested against a pattern.

Header rules: header RULENAME Header =~ /foo/

If there are multiple headers named "Header", the matched string contains each of the headers, newline separated, starting from first (topmost).