We have the opportunity to work on the websites of the Logging Services project. There is a site structure proposal (currently private, will be added it here)

Several websites could be overhauled:

The Log4j2 main website could be restructured in a way it contains:


The Landing page could contain general information on the project, but can also provide a blog.

Social Media

We currently run a Twitter account and prepared a Fosstodon account. Using a blog we can easily provide RSS feeds too. The question is, if we would invest further in publishing to Social Media, and if so, in which ones.


The proposal is to use "Antora" to generate docs from various source code versions. Antora is focused on tech writing with ASCIIDoc.

Using an ASF-supported static code generatormight be helpful for the landing page. There is at least one committer with Jekyll knowledge. Jekyll is excellent for providing blogs.


We have the opportunity to work with a designer (Daniel). He already prepared a preliminary draft of how the new website could look like.

To further work with Daniel, we will need to define goals that we would like to have designed. In example: