CouchHack was a small CouchDB hacker event planned for April 19th - 22nd, 2009, in Asheville NC.

We will be renting a house for hacking, playing video games, building sofa forts and crashing. Anyone who wants to hack on or with CouchDB is welcome to come. Beds in the house are limited, first come first serve

Current Hackers:

We will mostly be working on CouchDB related stuff, some of it core to CouchDB, some of it external projects involving CouchDB.

Want to influence CouchDB but can't come? Consider becoming a CouchHack sponsor and help pay for the house or travel expenses.

If you are interested in hacking or sponsoring, contact Jan Lehnardt


Big thanks to the CouchHack April 2009 Sponsors!

"We are impressed by CouchDB's use of "pure" web technologies, and are considering CouchDB for a future backend for our BlueInk Content Management System."

Hudora Cybernetics

We run some major infrastructure in our company with CouchDB backends - e.g. the image above (was) served from a CouchDB instance. We are gratefull to the superb CouchDB team and wish them happy hacking!

Work done at the CouchHack