Gump2 SVN *Active* Branches

Gump maintains (currently) two branches trunk (it's main working branch, used by the test flavour) and live which is used for live public runs (public and jdk15 flavours).

Upgrading "live"

mkdir work
cd work
svn checkout gump-trunk
svn checkout gump-live
cd gump-trunk
svn info # Note: store the revision number of the last change, i.e. R1.
cd ../gump-live
svn info # Note: store the revision number of the last change, i.e. R2.
svn merge -r R2:R1
svn commit # Updated live...

Note: since we *never* work in live, only in trunk ... (1) R2 <= R1 (2) No merge conflicts ought occur.

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